It would certainly be memorable... :D
It would certainly be memorable... :D
"George Foreman 3: Tokyo Drift" — This is why I love you.
I'm in the same boat. As one in a long line of largely identical blonde Scandinavian women (though that might end now that I'm married to a dark-haired Russian, who knows what our kids will look like), I'm a little sad too.
I feel this. This whole thing gives me all sorts of complicated feelings. Because on one hand, I think it would be wonderful to see more diversity in children's media, both in the faces on the screen and in the stories told. But on the other hand, articles like this just reinforce the vague shame I have in being a…
That would certainly generate a password, but not one you'd be able to remember. ;)
That made me laugh :D
It still took forever. We were almost two years into the marriage too before he got a green card — my husband was here on a student visa too, and we were dirt poor so my mother had to financially sponsor him on top of my sponsoring him. I think that might have helped a little — no one was getting rich off of us…
Oh geez, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I guess I lucked out. I was terrified about just that - hence the 500 page stack of documentation that they didn't even really look at.
I usually keep a number series in my head as well. If I'm not allowed spaces, digits of the number series go between words.
The questions aren't nearly as embarrassing as they're made out to be in the movies, and we survived even though my husband screwed up our address (he never knows it, he doesn't know it now). The paperwork (especially the financial stuff) is way more important. I must have brought in hundreds of pages of…
Yes humans are sexual creatures. Does that mean that every single interaction between men and women must necessarily be driven on some level by sex? I don't buy it.
I for one do not need to have men accustomed to having their news delivered with a side of boobs. If I'm delivering a conference talk or a status report or just having a fucking conversation, I want them paying attention to what I'm saying, not half-listening, half-staring at my rack. Geez.
Yes, plz. If I could get one that fitted in the right places, I would even break my "no images on my wall of boob" rule.
That's it, I'm dead. Cause of death: cute overload.
This this this this this. The question was, how do I handle assholes in a way that doesn't make me feel terrible about myself. Abby's answer only served to make her feel like she was the one who needed changing. Which just makes me sad.
I'm not going to lie. I read Dear Abby every day, and when I read that, I cried. I'm having a bad week though...
Thanks, you're nice too! Us crazy PhDs need to band together. :) Little Invisabel's just fine, and beautiful in her perfect imaginary way. I'm totally in a dark lab right now, watching my summer school students learn diffraction.
It'll get better, I'm sure it will (at least I have to believe it will...) and it'll be worth it. But right now I'm 30 years old. And every move I make is aimed at trying to make myself a valuable member of this community, all the while knowing that I don't even count in their statistics (that's a whole other story,…
It sucks, so much. You put in how many years of your life to get a PhD, and then you still can't even get settled in your life. My little brother has a house, two new cars, and a kid. And I've still got most of the boxes packed in my rental because why unpack fully when I'm just going to be gone again eventually.