
It's...complicated. I started out on a 2-year term, as a sabbatical replacement for first one professor, and then another one. Then one of the other profs took a 3-year position as the associate dean, so they did another official "search" for the last two years of that position (the first year we were just

I hear you, I really do. The job market is terrible, and I'm dreading being on the market again. Everyone has high standards and nobody's hiring tenure-track people. A liberal arts college can bring on 20 new people in an academic year and have ONE be full-time and tenure track — the rest are part time, adjuncts,

Hi there, I've lamented over the lack of the private message feature too. And I'm happy to answer, I just wish the answers were better so I could be prouder of myself. :) I'm currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at a liberal arts school, halfway through a four year term. So not tenure track yet, I just wish I

I'm in the same boat. I'm really easily stressed out or made to feel bad by other people. Which is terrible, because I'm a college professor, so course evaluations kill me every semester. (I spent half a semester practically in tears because of a few comments). I can't say that I deal with it very well, but I've

I don't have any advice, I'm not good at any of this. I just wanted to give you a hug and let you know that I'm hoping for the best for you. :(

I don't think we're applauding it so much as recognizing that even a misogynist homophobe can have decent opinions about some things. Realism.

I think it's harder for a lot of people to see, though (which is what makes Pete such a great - and realistic - character). There's so many layers of awfulness that you sometimes fail to recognize the good facets he does have.

That makes for a good link with the other disorders too — plenty of psychological issues are at least partially dopamine based.

I know it's expensive, but in cases where there's diagnostic confusion, PET is a legitimate tool. There's another imaging technology (I can't for the life of me remember it now), that's sometimes used to distinguish Parkinson's from other forms of tremor.

"make sure they understand the grades they need to get to make it happen"

You could probably do it for Parkinson's, which is difficult to diagnose. They throw a lot of diagnostic tests, including brain scans, at that.

I'm taking a totally uneducated guess here (my PhD is in physics, not in neurobiology or anything useful here), but I'm betting that the same set of neurons that we would use to rate attractiveness (having to do with symmetry, feature position, imperfections, etc) are the same ones that we use to recognize people

Hey, congrats on the PhD! :D And best of luck on the job hunt!

That's usually my first though too! I kinda shrug and go, well, spit's a good solvent...

So I'm not the only one who's spit-cleaned a blood stain? I feel so much better now, and less like an immature slob. :)

Can you imagine a Congressional Debate full of children? It'd be adorable. And entertaining. You could sell advertising, because people would actually watch it!

Kids are smart, they have the capacity to be kind and make good decisions. And since they're, you know, kids, they understand that they still have things to learn. They come with their own set of problems, but it couldn't be any worse than what we've got. :D

Incredibly. *beats something*

Yes! Yes it is. Right along with the crybaby commentary

This. Every day, this.