
Fine, I'm going to put you on a deserted island with a few hundred completely random people (most of whom won't agree with you) and a sack full of cash to make an "economy" out of, and see how well you can pull civilization out of your ass. Overnight. With your "time and effort". Enjoy it, I'm going back to the

The "bee colony" comment is by far best laugh I've had all day. <3

I'm not a lady, I'm a college professor. I have earned the respect I demand from people. Your failure to recognize this is not a reflection on me.

You don't expect people to be born with all the talents and skills of an adult. You don't say that because a kid doesn't have access to a calculus class in high school that he's incapable of learning it. People that have been oppressed, guess what, they haven't had the practice exercising those rights you've enjoyed

I've been there too, so I feel for you. That's a temptation I can still struggle with, the one to put yourself last and hope everything gets better. But ironically, our relationship is much better when I keep a selfish streak. I've had to force myself to remember that. *hugs*

Pretty sure the message is "We're people too. Start treating us that way, and maybe you'll get to be a better person too."

I'll take the possibility of the draft on the same basis as every other human being of appropriate age in this country, if that's what it takes to live the life that's best for me and my family without this bull.

The "best days for straight white men" are behind you, you mean. I love how you define decline as allowing other people basic human rights.

This. My husband can be a little complicated too, has a few strange outdated ideas about women (mostly its cultural), but has this strange progressive streak that's been the backbone of our life (I'm the provider, he wants to be the homemaker, and sometimes he thinks that's awesome and sometimes it kills him). I

To which, I say, with all due respect, as a Christian married to a Christian: Fuck that.

We're going to do just that — I'm a college professor with temperament as my mother (who decided she was actually a much better mother when she worked, after a bad stint trying to stay home with us). My husband has followed me around, been through a lot of unemployment, and wants to have our eventual children grow up

As an Aeris cosplayer...I die laughing.

*twitch* That's...just...infuriating. As a college professor, I apologize on behalf of my profession for that jerk.

Does that work well? I've never done anything but sew up the central gore. (My boobs aren't THAT far apart—they LIKE each other). Does altering the band work too?

Me too! :)

Amen. Even as covered up as I can get, my A-cup best friend still sometimes looks at a picture of me and says "You know you have enormous boobs, right?"

Go princess seams! I use those on EVERYTHING. Even the dress I tried to make with one of those "adjustable" patterns ended up with the darts becoming fake princess seams (went from the boob to the waist before they quit). If you ever get a button down that really works for you, I want to know about it! (34H and a

Wish I could wear the "supportive" camis...they're often the longer ones...but the "support" part cuts me off mid-boob. *siiiiigh*

Oh god yes! I don't even have a hand's width between my neck and my cleavage. It's a constant freak out of is-my-bra-showing?!?

Yes! Even my "comfy" bra is rife with the armpit-stabbing. And comes in a pattern I affectionately call "Cow Print". And that's the most excitingly-patterned/colored bra I own.