
Busty Swedish genes (mom and grandma -> both 5'2" and 34D) and growth hormone shots during puberty! (I maxed out at 4'2" before the shots) I try to be grateful. :)

I just fell off my chair laughing. It's so true.

Same here. 34DD in high school (34H now). Wore a strapless prom dress. Cleavage. Wore a (formerly) strapless bridesmaids dress a few weeks ago. Christina Hendriks. I caught sight of myself sideways in the mirror at one point (for the first time) and went "Why didn't you tell me I looked like that?" *drops dead*

So my dearest friend from grad school was at this conference where an Italian physicist made some side comment during his talk about teaching his sons to "do physics like a man". She actually had the nerve to approach him afterwards (I wouldn't have) and ask how one does physics like a man. And he answered.

Right there with you. XD I tried it once, thinking it had to be better than nothing. Nope. I did just as many alterations as with any other damn pattern I've ever used.

Fellow short busty girl! Hi, sis! :D I actually had to do the growth hormone shot thing when I was going through puberty, so that's where I probably got the extra inch from ^_~

It's pretty good. I use it. I actually like to use blocks on a set of bookshelves. If you have a full row of blocks on the lower shelf, and move one up to the upper shelf. Then you have a hole in the bottom shelf. What makes this interesting is when you tilt the bookshelf down to the right (analogous to applying

My terminal degree is in condensed matter physics, and that's my favorite thing to bring up when I'm teaching modern physics.

Me too! *just frantically measured with a piece of paper* You're basically limited to turtlenecks and crew-necked T-shirts...and those are WALL OF BOOB.

Holes! You can have holes! They conduct electricity! In a semiconductor, if you have a whole bunch of electrons in an energy band and one's missing, that hole acts like a positive particle and can totally conduct electricity. In some doped semiconductors, they're even the primary charge carriers. Go Hall Effect!

Indeed. If I ever have a midlife crisis and get out of doing this whole physics things, I'm going make and sell clothes. My friends are already using my services pretty heavily (I'm the head costume-maker/alteration/hey-can-you-put-straps-on-this guru in my circle).

Color blocking. I feels it. A turtleneck or high cut t-shirt is WALL OF BOOB.

Those don't go up to my cup size. *sigh* I actually tried that once, I was so excited, I figured, hey, at least the D cup pattern will be better than nothing, right? Not really. I still ended up altering the hell out of those darts and putting in fake princess seams. Just like every other dress I've ever made.

Agreed! They never fit right, the shoulder straps rarely tighten enough, the wires sit in funny places, and I've had to sew up the central gore because apparently the bra manufacturers think my boobs are antisocial and are trying to hide in my armpits instead of being the bosom buddies that they are.

Thiiiiiis. Being fully covered means having a giant wall of unbroken boob. A plain, high-necked T-shirt just screams BOOBS! I end up having to wear a cowl-neck under my suit jacket anyway because a button-up or a sheath just isn't cutting it.

OH the wrap dresses make me cry. Look good on anyone, my ass.

At that band size, a DD isn't all that much volume. It's only the same as a 34C. (I love doing those calculations. Proving that my boobs are the same size as one of my friends'...they just way less ridiculous on her because she has a bigger band size.)

I can alter my own clothes (I've altered some of my bras, even...stupid center gore), but I don't want to have to do it to my entire wardrobe. *sigh* Don't have the money to hire, don't have the time to alter or make my own(which is what I really want)

Cowl necks have been my saving grace. All that extra fabric in the boob area, put there for purely aesthetic reasons, is hugely functional for me. That's pretty much my entire work wardrobe — I've been collecting them ever since my first OMG BOOB ROOM! moment when I was conference-shopping.

I gave up on button-up shirts a long time ago. I just can't. Which means I end up being rather creative when I have to bust out my suit jacket. But with that same 10-inch bust-waist difference, I just look more awful then usual if I try to cram myself into a button-up.