That made me giggle so much. Especially since mine are actually only MORE prominent when covered up (COLOR BLOCKING FTW), and this was a serious issue for me in high school.
That made me giggle so much. Especially since mine are actually only MORE prominent when covered up (COLOR BLOCKING FTW), and this was a serious issue for me in high school.
And scientists get none at all, because god forbid they should do science "like a woman". *still raging about a stupid conference comment*
Same. I have my rotating set of camis to solve 1) The gap problem, and 2) the bending over in the front problem for the wide-open cowl-necks I have to wear.
I end up in cowl-necked shirts pretty much by default. They're the only thing that doesn't leave me with masses of extra fabric at the waist. They design these silly shirts to have the extra fabric in the boob, which is supposed to drape all pretty for the less-scarily-endowed but serves as coverage for me. I…
This. And then both turtlenecks, and the crewnecks mentioned below only make my 34H's look even MORE ridiculous because they're now a solid mass of color dominating my 4'10" self. So either I have a little bit of cleavage and try to break up the space, or cover them up and have my shirt scream BOOBS! anyway.
*twitch* You couldn't have picked a better example. Because I have really conflicting feelings about that show. My Physics PhD says I actually do appreciate a lot of the more awesome jokes on the show, but my real-world experiences make me cry over the fabulous stereotypes that are now just getting spread to a wider…
So that's why I get all cake-happy after I get sleep deprived. I'm keeping myself a good person! :D
Those who do have it realize the high levels of nuance and sensitivity and just plain thought that have to go into crafting that kind of humor. Those that don't have it don't even understand why that might be the case. They think it's so simple, and all the wet rags out there are making it too complicated and…
I agree. I feel like she knew what would happen, and knowing that, took the bullet for everyone. Exposing this stuff is dangerous, and scary, and can (and has, unfortunately) destroy people. It's amazing, and it's brave, and it presents a wall of awful that can't easily be ignored or swept under the rug. Lindy is…
This got me more than a little rage-y. As if the boyfriend's feelings are the only ones that matter.
This. You have to be some sort of top-notch, master-level comedian to pull certain things off. Certain subjects require a huge amount of nuance, sensitivity, and thoughtfulness, and if you can't see the reason for that, you shouldn't be allowed to make those jokes.
The heat death of the universe = no more people full of hot air. *happy sigh*
Seriously, sometimes I think that's the only answer - rage-raising our children to be better than this shit. When I get to this baby-making business (waiting for the elusive tenure-track job first), stay-at-home dad and I will definitely be giving our future kids a good quality respect-all-humans-dammit raising.
Of even more specifically "Don't silence ME" There's such an inherent selfishness in this kind of reaction, a fear of actually examining themselves and their opinions, and thinking how other people might actually feel. No, it's only: "I LIKE THIS SHIT, DON'T TAKE IT FROM ME, YOU BITCH."
Seconded, with all my heart. In some ways, it's a fucked-up blessing that we have the opportunity to expose the shit that still blankets the streets even though so many people are turning up their noses and pretending that it doesn't exist, even though they're up to their ankles in it. But the hurt and pain that…
"If that's what passes for a sense of humor, I'd rather not have one."
Best. Reflex. Ever. Like seriously. The sad thing is that they all think that they are George Carlin, and they're the funniest thing ever, and we're all being overly delicate flowers who "can't handle" their most awesome humor. *attempts to stop eyerolling before any permanent damage is done*
I saw some JDs in there, so go for it!
Definitely true in college. You wouldn't believe the level of bedazzling I saw on those cardboard caps. So. much. sparkling.
So maybe we don't make it so limiting, which I think is the problem now, and why it's used as a bludgeon so often against other people, but I find it hard to discard it entirely, and say that there's nothing that we universally strive to become as we become adults.