
That's actually a really interesting question. Especially because the transition is so murky. I can look back on my childhood self (I was the chatty one who always thought her opinions were so important they just had to be shared) and cringe at my immaturity but where/when did I stop being that? I feel like I hit

Thank you. I'm a much happier person now, having read that. I fully admit to getting a little up in arms about the whole support thing, given my non-standard family situation (my poor husband feels really miserable about it at times), and having had to come the hard way to those same points of view during the course

So right! This goes for women, too (obviously). I will define adulthood in any damn way I please, thank you very much.

THIS. This this this, a million times this. My having to be the breadwinner in our family does not make my husband not a man.

Oh man, my husband and I had a loooong conversation in the car this weekend about the words we would use to describe ourselves, and how I don't think it's fair to either of use to define ourselves primarily by our relationship to each other. Once we got that point across, it was actually a fun exercise in

Cheese. Needles. Rainbow cake. Purple. Magnets.

This. Just this. I have no response other than to second every word you just said.

Oh god oh god oh god, I relate. I am not only miserable, I am a total bitch if I try to cut back on the carbs. Just trying to switch from regular to diet soda one summer, in a vain attempt to eventually cut it out, turned me into some kind of monster. I now know better than to try to take my Coke away from myself

THIS. Yes. A million times. This was me writing my dissertation. When it becomes the focus of your entire world, everything falls off. I didn't think about what I was eating except that I needed to eat enough (which is more than usual) to deal with the sleep deprivation that came with writing the darn dissertation

Yeah, this was me. When your entire world revolves around *finishing* already, everything else goes out the door. Especially sleep. And what do I do when I don't sleep? Eat more, to keep my body from rebelling against me entirely. That was literally the only way to survive. Willpower, tis a limited resource, and

Oh man, the Logo mention totally takes me back. That was my first programming experience (back in 1992, when I guess it was on its way out), although I couldn't have told you that at the time. That must be why I later picked up Visual Basic and C++ so easily in high school. Now, as a scientist, all my work is in

They are, but I love them so dearly. Don't ask me why a college professor (of *physics*) needs a full set of Prismacolor pencils, when I never draw anything more complicated than little manga-style birthday cards...but my high-school self had money and wanted pencils. Therefore I have pencils. <3

Or despair. You mean I'm going to have to make a different Fluttershy dress now? *ducks*

I <3 you for this, even though my aesthetic is totally different. I'm also 30, married for 11 years, have the PhD, and the college teaching job (in a hard science even), but I won't give up on ribbons for my ponytail or bright pink hair hair extensions, or the color pink on anything, really. My office has stuffed

I've heard that too — that willpower is a limited resource, and that being "strong" about one thing makes it harder to do others. I've certainly found that to be true for myself. Dieting makes it practically impossible for me to build up a certain number of work habits I need to cultivate — thus, no diet this

I haven't even finished reading the article yet, I just love you for using the word "entropy". That is all.

Thanks for the recommendation - I will totally look into that. As it stands I'm having another bat bout of sciatica. My inability to not slouch while having boobs of this size is not helping, and I'm tired of limping around campus.

Downhill literally. *sigh* I had pretty much the same trajectory - training bra to C cup overnight...and then a gradual overflowing...DD at 18 and on up until I find myself at 30 in a 34H. No wonder I slouch...which only aggravates my sciatica.

Hold on to that dream. I'll be doing the same. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep walking upright if they get any bigger.

Mine too! They went straight from not there! to giant saggy sacks in marvel-of-engineering bras. They can't get any worse. xD