
Penicillin allergies here! My doctors don't know what to do with me half the time. Besides the sinus infections, I'm also one of the secret 3-year-olds who gets regular raging ear infections. I spent the months of October - December last year with BOTH, that wouldn't go away. Took 3 rounds of antibiotics (not

Oh god, the "I'm so short!" women who are totally average. I just smile that oh-so-tolerant smile and throw out that it took me two years of growth hormones to get my last 8 inches and I'm damn glad to be 4'10". They usually shut up after that. Those growth hormones also gave me G/H cups and fertility goddess hips

My 4'10" self feels like one of the lesser-known quarks — heavy but invisible. >>

I keep my glorious G/H cups so locked up that sometimes the digging in of the band of elastic isn't even visible under my clothes (it all just kind of flows around it) But damn it hurts.

To echo (partially) RenoDakota, Christina Hendricks at least is actually in vintage. Everyone else gets "reproduction vintage", but our Joanie requires the real thing.

I've done this. When I'm at my natural color (a kind of dirty blonde), this works wonders. Not so great when I've gone brunette, but you can't win them all.

When my car was totaled, the insurance company told me they did this as well, which was actually my saving grace, because that was what made me able to force them into a much more favorable offer. Never underestimate my ability to Google in the name of bolstering my case.

Okay, that hurt. I just had to cancel a visit to see some truly important friends because I really am that busy. I'm basically working 16 hour days just to ensure that I'm doing my job with the minimum amount of competence to hope there's a next job for me (I hate academia as much as I love it), and I have some

THIS. This so much. This is me, on top of a truly demanding job.

I believe it. My parents have been married just as long, and my mom admits she still has to spell out her 5-letter married last name every single time she writes it.

That was me at 22. >> But I was married by then, and in grad school. One drink put me over the edge of OMGtoomuchhomeworksleepNAO.

I thought it was awesome. I'm 30, and teach college kids in that age bracket. Some days I'm like, aw, I'm not that much older than they are, especially compared to so many of the faculty. And then I realize my weekend plans are for sleep. And maybe more sleep. And grading. And I feel like this song. :)

As a professor who just spent more time than I'd care to admit giggling wildly at the drawing saying "The Eye of Sauron does not approve of this question" on one of the upper-level electricity and magnetism exams I'm grading....yeah, no, still giggling. BRB.

It looks like it'll email you once a day. At least that's what my brief play-through got me.

Aaaand as a lady physicist, this "surrounded by men" business just makes me want to crawl under my desk and never come out.

And now I'm having to stifle the hysterical giggles so the poor professor next door doesn't think I'm insane...

One of the best things I ever found on the internet was an atomic force microscope you can make with LEGOs. I totally made one, and then had my students make one in my January term nanoscience class. BIG hit. :)

For me it was more like 1995, and I was 13, at a time when it wasn't cool to be a teenager on the internet. I went into a sci-fi chatroom and no one would talk to me. So I came back as a 22-year-old kindergarten teacher. And kept it up on and off for years. I think a guy was kind of in love with me once, so I

I have to go so far out of my way to get a Coke on my campus, and it makes me sad. But I do it, because Coke.

But but but Coke IS happy calories for me. Every time I try to give it up on a diet, it goes very badly for me. And not just for the caffeine (I replace it with other sources) or the taste (I don't mind the taste of Diet, but it turns me into a bitch). So I'll keep my happy calories and not bite my students' heads