
I got the Swedish genese too, but too small of a band size for Lane Bryant. The day I walked into a Dillards and found a style that I could get in a 34G/H, and for $15-22, I literally cried. I have five.

You are just like my husband, who HAS to drink my Coke, despite the jitters and the I-told-you-so's. But I'm not giving up my caffeine habit (a MUST for a physicist) for his OCD.

Agreed, so much, as a scientist myself.

Amen. I personally never want to hear about the Higgs Boson from someone who "read something" ever again...

I have to buy little girl's shoes to get the right sized heel >> Something feels so wrong about that, but I NEED them.

OMG Kitten heels! I need those, so badly. I'm short, and I want heels, but I'm not capable of towering heels (and I'm on my feet way too much). Right now to get heels the right size I must shop in the little girls section of the shoe department in search of baby's first heels. Which wouldn't even be possible

Sad to say, even the large breasts still don't do it for me. I got told to get back in line with the 11-year olds my first day of playground duty at an elementary school. I was 22. Even now at 30, in my second year of professorship, I still have to wear my nametag to the cafeteria to avoid the inevitable question

One of my favorites of all time. <3

I would argue quite seriously with the assertion that comedy isn't the way to get people into science. It's actually one of the BEST ways to catch people's attention, as I've found teaching. Ask any of the biology students that I teach that are just a little more interested in physics now because of the cat pictures

Hey, I'm glad the the science is good. I'm just not happy about the caricatures of "science" people. There's more to us than that.

I'm sensitive to that. I'm a huge nerd myself. Witness the anime convention badges hanging on my board alongside my physics conference badges and my old NIST badge. I have people very very close to me with anxiety issues. And I KNOW people, from graduate school, who fit quite neatly into the little stereotypes on

Hey I love the jokes. I love that they have somebody *checking* said jokes to make sure they're actually funny to scientists. But the caricatures are so painful as to be making my life as a physics professor difficult. How am I supposed to attract varied kinds of people to science if this is how they think all

While I respect that it might be reality for some people, it sure as hell makes MY life as a Physics professor that much harder. Yeah, okay, the physics jokes are funny, but I'm not so comfortable with the reinforcement of the idea that only certain types of people go into science, and if you're interested in it, you

As someone with a physics PhD I'll second that opinion. I like that they actually cared enough to hire someone to check that their science jokes actually had science, but...those stereotypes are undoing everything I'm trying to do as a professor. It just reinforces the idea that only "those people" go into science.

I've not had any issues with it either. I'm on my second one now, and it's MAGIC.

The post-it note lives in a textbook in my bookcase. But I have 50 of those, minimum. And it's not the password to my workstation, it's a rarely used password for something that lives behind another layer of security (that doesn't exist on a post-it note). Plus there's zero indication on the note itself what that

I'm disappointed. Those actually look so small to me, and it would have been nice to have a *clothed*, um...over-blessed character. I mean if we're going for trying to let people have characters that look like themselves....ah, nevermind. I quit.

*cough* Depends on what you wake up and look in the mirror at every morning. She doesn't look that bad to me...

Wow, I'm reading that book again right now (for about the hundredth time)! It's certainly the most adorable thing I've ever seen come out of Orson Scott Card. Plus I've picked up a huge amount of Russian folklore without even trying, which is convenient when my husband brings up something from home I wouldn't

SO MUCH LOVE for this. Fairy tales full of real people, in all their conflicted, unsure, not-always-good-or-evil glory. I still get something new out of it every time I read through those books. Someday when I have kids, I'm going to hand *them* down my dog-eared, overly loved copies, and buy a brand new set for