
Aww, thanks! :) That's really great to hear. My biggest hope for my brand-new career is to convince students that there's no one right way to be a scientist, as long as you love what you're doing.

They're light-colored, and you can read everything you need to read. It's way better than the white text on blue slides or the yellow text on white slides I've seen from an actual big shot in the field.

I did think about it. Long and hard. Becoming comfortable with my choices and preferences and love of pink hair ribbons was a long soul-searching process in graduate school. The *easy* way up the ladder would have been to vanish into the throng of suited old men, but then I lose sight of who I am. So what if my

Not too far off for me here either (I'm married, but my husband is a stay-at-home who wants to raise our kids when I'm ready to have them). But I have the Physics PhD, and the job, still go with my best friends to anime conventions every year, and am wearing a bright pink flower in my hair as I type this from my

I had to reply — my heart goes out to you. I spent a good portion of my grad school years (in physics) feeling the same way — like I was losing myself to become just the same as the old gray men in the field. Realizing that I could still be a good scientist if I wore pink and had pretty-colored slides when I gave

I can be a full-time professor of physics who wears pink ribbons in her hair (my husband likes it too), had popcorn for dinner sometimes, and goes to anime conventions. So what if I go to giant physics conferences with pink and purple slides for my talks? Who says being an adult means I have to give up being me?

Thank you! I'm a college professor (in a hard science, even), but you can pry my pink hair ribbons and headbands from my cold dead fingers. I went through a hard-won revelation in graduate school where I realized I could still be a good physicist even if I went to conferences and gave talks with easter-egg colored

OMG someone else calling it a lisp. I cosplay Aeris, and I try to ret-con away the whole "Aerith" thing in Crisis Core by telling people I lisped until I was 20, and was too embarrassed to correct people.