
For skills, I think I ended up going with Guns, Lockpicking, and Speech to frontload and when I leveled up, I put a lot in the Science and Medicine ones. I'll definitely keep luck and intelligence in mind as I continue on, I've mostly been trying to spread those points evenly between all of the stats. Thank you for

Well, I started Fallout: New Vegas last week and, this being my first Fallout game, I was pretty immediately overwhelmed by all the character setup stuff. (Also, I knew the character creator was bad but not that bad, holy shit) There is just so! much! stuff! I also got frustrated doing the tutorial mission because my

The Lothering stuff is the only really big thing that gets gated off in the beginning. There are two companions there so yeah, definitely try to get everything done there before moving on. After that, it's largely up to you. I recommend going to the Circle Tower first and dealing with the mages but that also includes

This is the correct answer.

For superhero comics, I'd recommend trades of the Green Arrow Rebirth, DC Bombshells, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and Patsy Walker aka Hellcat. They're all very different but I love them all.

If you don't mind playing with a silver-rank Mercy main, sure! My PSN name is battleshipdrive. I mostly play in the evenings on the east coast, sometimes with my friends and sometimes solo-queuing. I'm getting better about getting on mic but I might be kinda awkward about it, heh.

I've only recently gotten into FPS so I haven't played the first two Bioshocks. I might go back to them after this, but I started with Infinite since it's kind of a standalone. I totally agree about the story, I had no idea the game was going to go as big as it did with the final act and it was really enjoyable.

Oh that's good. My copy came with the DLC but didn't show up in my menu so I just kind of shrugged it off. Glad to know I'm not missing much!

As someone who spent over 120 hours in Stardew Valley last fall, have fun with your new time suck! To jumpstart the money making process, I recommend buying plants every season that continue to grow after you've harvested them the first time. Also, be sure to try to fill up the slots in the community center as soon as

Well, I played all of and beat Bioshock: Infinite last weekend. I was kind of shocked by how quickly it took me, but I also did pretty much nothing else but play it so I guess it evened out. I really loved this game, I thought the world building was really cool, the combat was fun and challenging, and I was very

I think one of my favorite parts of that game is when on Cora's loyalty mission, she womansplains asari culture to actual asari. It cracked me up. She's basically Mass Effect's version of a weeabo.

I've always been really hesitant of multiplayer stuff, mostly because as much as I play video games, I'm not that good at them, and I'd rather fail on my own than with a bunch of strangers. But my close friends all got into Overwatch last year, so I decided to join them and, overall, it's helped me get over a lot of

The Like - "Release Me"
Amy Winehouse - "Rehab"
No Doubt - "Artificial Sweetener"
Utada "Hikari"
Lauryn Hill "To Zion"
Mariah Carey "Vision of Love"
Lorde "Green Light"
Monica "Angel of Mine"
Robyn "Dream On"
Brandy & Monica "The Boy is Mine"

My top 10, in no particular order: Twin Peaks, The Americans, Review, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, iZombie, Riverdale, Legion, Feud, Fargo, American Gods.

Oh man, you might be right about that, especially if defense has a Symmetra and/or Torbjorn.

I started playing Bioshock: Infinite last night. I thought that my 5 months of nonstop Overwatch would have gotten me ready for a traditional FPS but ha, nope. I keep getting really disoriented about where the enemies are but hopefully I'll get used to it, soon (and thankfully, it's pretty generous about dying a lot).

Same! I think it doesn't help how big that map is (or, at least, how big it feels). My first few matches there on offense, I kept getting lost or losing sight of my team (and I'm a Mercy player, so that was bad), while on defense, it's easier to just kind of set up base camp and wait for flankers to trickle in.

The only TellTale game I've played is The Walking Dead but I'd like to try more out, and your description of GotG has me very intrigued! Gonna have to pick that one up soon, I think.

Well, I use the Wiimote to play with (which I realize no one does) so I need the sensor bar. I've never gotten the hang of the gamepad, plus I'm so used to physically moving my hands like you have to with the wiimotes that it really throws me off to use it or a regular controller anymore, at least with Mario Kart.

Bombshells, Green Arrow, Trinity, Heartthrob, Darth Maul & Darth Vader. I'm, once again, super behind on nearly everything so I need to take some time this week and catch up.