
Yeah, I hope a judge dismisses this case in one second. It’s not like the Porsche made the driver go 40+ over the speed limit. And any vehicle going that speed hitting an object will look like a crumpled soda can.

Neutral: What’s The Most Egregious Breach Of Automaker Trust?

But thank god it wasnt christmas-time! Then, accidents are EVEN WORSE.

Oh god, fuck you for even bringing the SJW term into this. Can you at least leave your insecure bullshit out of this story? He has a different opinion FFS, he didn’t say “check your privilege”...

I kind of already accepted, but didn’t want to admit, that was the endgame. With what Mazda’s planning for Skyactiv Gen 2, they’re already aiming for a gasoline engine with a sky-high 18:1 compression ratio (like a diesel) and homogeneous ignition (also very much like a diesel).

yep. like I said elsewhere, GM may have kneecapped the image of diesel cars in the ‘80s, but Volkswagen just put a bullet in its head.

Well I guess I can kiss my dreams of a diesel 6 goodbye for good. I was hoping against reality that mazda would pull it off despite all the delays but if VW couldn’t do it without urea I doubt mazda can. And at this point, why would they? Diesel will be a dirty word to most consumers for some time to come now.

Will probably be shitty compared to normal road cars, but it’s the 60(0)-80(0) that will really get you going!

I vote car too, but does this mean that the Tesla isn’t a car?

The salt in Utah is boned so running there isn’t an option at the moment for damn near anything let alone this monster.

A Wasp-class LHD amphip is larger than most other countries fixed wing carriers. So Yes. Capital ships they are. Especially for a country that doesnt have anything close to that size.

So not only did you not bother to read the original source, you didn’t even read this article (or you failed your reading comprehension check).

Drive one somewhere, take your Accord, bring a sportbike, and see which vehicle people want to know more about.

“It’s expensive, noisy, completely impractical”

Voluntary recall to lower my MPG? Ummm.. how about.. no.

Based on MIT’s simple explanation of how much energy there is in sound, this looks dead in the water before it even begins.

The pay off isnt there to harvest sound. This article did a good job explaining why. I think creative landscaping is probably our best bet for making zones near airports tolerable to live in.

In regards to the dino question, you’re forgetting one thing about modern technology: much of our energy stores are derived from petroleum or coal...which is just ground up old dinosaur and trees over long periods of time under intense pressure.

I’d feel confident saying that at every level of sport, baseball has the best player area. Even in Little League (or Rookies/Peewee’s if you’re from extreme flyover country) where it’s possibly just a chain link fence with no roof, it’s the best option among the alternatives.

I know people who complain about it and it’s annoying, but some of them have a point. In the 60’s when they bought their homes (in Calgary) the airport was considerably smaller and the traffic was less frequent. Now they have 747’s landing every 5 minutes on new runways which directed landing traffic over residential