
It’s amazing how cavernous the T-AKR’s are, you could setup a badass autocross course inside of one. They’re so big that the Captains have golf carts to drive around the ship on, using the freight elevator to move between decks.

Yes, submarines have special armaments and operational requirements which make these ships a useful asset. Unlike surface combatants the Navy can’t pull a submarine into foreign ports (except under extraordinary circumstances) as submarines are completely vulnerable in confined waters. The Pacific is vast and Hawaii

I used to intern for the operations engineer for these ships when I worked at the MSC HQ in the Washington Navy Yard. Our directorate was responsible for all GOGO ships (government owned, government operated) under MSC, which were the ships that had military operations personnel and civilian support personnel (but

Some more blue tint and a bit darker and that would look really nice. Also silver stripes look best on purple cars.

It's AFFF, which is a foam solution used for fighting liquid pool fires such as spilled jet fuel.

Is the R129 SL60 AMG considered a classic? It is very similar to the RC-F, only slightly less powerful. I mean it was a good car for the era but it’s way too heavy to be a classic GT, and I’d say the same about the RC-F.

Mainly it’s because of the exceptional influence wielded by Gulf States Toyota. They stand to lose the most if franchise laws are weakened.

I’d take owning an AR-15 over owning a Tesla any day. Maryland has banned every type of AR-15 except the HBAR. It’s a shame because LWRC makes some of the finest ARs around and they’re stuck there.

It should concern someone who's buying an 86. The chassis is the best thing about that car.

Your car comes on a platform specifically engineered for a low-volume sports car application. His comes on a platform specifically engineered to out-Toyota Toyota. It's hard to compare the two.

Armadillos are natively South American, with some species spreading into North America as well. As far as I know they haven’t made it anywhere else yet.

I don’t know why you’re acting like it’s a conspiracy that Cosworth doesn’t make their own blower. Hardly any of the tuners do, they simply package commercially-available blowers for specific applications. That’s why I mentioned the custom intake manifold as a special feature of the kit. All of the centrifugal kits

Why is that? Most of Europe doesn’t need A/C except for short periods in the summer, same with the Northern U.S. and Canada. The average daily high in Toronto never gets above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, for example. Same with Seattle, London, Paris, and Berlin.

The Cosworth kit is a screw type, the rest I’ve seen are all centrifugals. The screw type delivers much better low-rpm throttle response (which is the FA20’s biggest weakness and emphasized by centrifugal blowers) but to work properly it needs to be packaged such that the intake runners are as short as possible (so

Well this accident happened a decade ago so that's likely regardless. Kevin Mooney was reprimanded and relieved of his command. According to his LinkedIn profile he was moved into a training role and currently works for General Dynamics as a manager in their San Diego yard.

That's the San Francisco after it ran into an underwater mountain at flanking speed. 98 crewmembers were injured and one died, and the boat was almost lost. Cleanup crews described how eerie it was to see so much blood on everything inside.

Despite popular opinions on the matter, being calm and collected isn't always the best state of mind to be in when riding, especially in qualifying where it's you vs. the track for just 2 short minutes. Being hopped up on adrenaline from sprinting down the lane likely put him in the right state of mind to accomplish

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J.T. Nesbitt may not have a great grasp of ergonomics, but damn if he doesn't make good-looking vehicles. His CNG powered roadster is the subject of one of my favorite episodes of Jay Leno's Garage.

There's a certain critical set of components that any machine needs to function, but most manufacturers add a bunch of other stuff for various reasons. This bike does not have any of that extra stuff, it is purely functional.