
It's funny how "Confederate" is a word that's tainted by one rebel government which dissolved 150 years ago while "Republic" stands for justice and freedom despite being used by the USSR, Republic of Iran, DRV (North Vietnam), DPRK, etc.

This is America, where you’ll never be successful unless you fail spectacularly a few times. If he gets his fee fees hurt over this then he isn’t cut out to be in the public eye and should stick to being a personal trainer.

Tesla was backed by a billionaire who successfully executed multiple business ventures and has connections all over the tech industry. Kevin Lyons is no Elon Musk.

Every one of the founding fathers would be considered insanely racist, bigoted, and misogynistic by today's standards, but they did not live under today's standards. Go back to Gawker.

I mean I'm single so I don't know how taxes work for families, I was just going off of my own W-2 and then deducting health insurance premiums and retirement contributions to figure my net pay. Regardless, if I was overly conservative then that only makes the financial situation better for the hypothetical family I

Have a link?

You’re welcome. I saw that you seemed to have a hard time formulating clear and cohesive arguments so I figured I’d spell things out a bit. I’m glad it helped.

There are several reasons for this, but that would require a very long and boring engineering discussion.

Here’s a secret, very few people paid according to their skills or the value of their work to their company. The rest of us are paid according to how badly our employers want us to keep doing our jobs and not go work somewhere else. The only reason any job is low-paying is because it’s not a competitive marketplace

Ferrari has been second, third and fourth for a while now in F1, it’s been 7 years since their last constructors championship and while things look up for them this year Mercedes will still probably take it. It doesn’t stop the legions of fans from turning out to the races wearing red from head to toe. You’d think

Did you skip the part where our CEO is a woman? She’s the highest-paid person in the company.

It's not that hard, it's just about priorities. $80k a year will net around $50k a year after taxes, health insurance (with employer contributions at least), and 6% retirement savings. That's $4,000 a month take-home, with $1500 on mortgage, $500 on car payment (for two cars if you buy used), roughly $500 for bills

From the article

To be fair, the current state of gender relations in the workplace has many men constantly worried they’ll say something that gets taken out of context and in trouble with HR. With a male coworker I have no problem with joking around and ball busting, but I have seen people on my project get reassigned or written up

This is one of the most awful trends to come from Reddit. They have such fantastically named forums as /r/humanporn and /r/animalporn which descriptive enough until you realize they're completely SFW. How anybody could think corporate advertising could successfully latch on to that dumb of a trend shows just how far

I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in the U.S., barring state-sanctioned discrimination laws.

Isn’t that forward 16 speeds, plus two more for crawl?

Lord of the Rings sounds way more feasible than what you’re suggesting.

Saying inane things that aren’t true isn’t having an imagination. Your concepts aren’t novel, they just aren’t practical.