Zircon the Blue

You may be familiar with this so apologies if I’m filmwanksplaining. But the apocryphal story of Predator’s development is fucking hilarious to me. According to legend, the producers of Predator had been joking in a bar about the next Rocky movie. They were like “Well shit, Rocky’s just fought the Russians. Who’s

Yeah that’s a fair point. I think we took movies like Predator more seriously back then too, while now I can see the somewhat satirical nature of it.

Generally speaking I back writers. But I thought Heigl did the right thing. She still performed the lines, she didn’t try to go around behind their backs or improvise new lines or pull some real diva shit. She was a professional. All the job requires of her is to hit her mark, say her lines, and emote when called for.

I fully agree with Heigl’s complaints about the writing for her character that season. They truly made Izzy seem insane and it couldn’t have been fun to act. On the other hand, you just don’t shit on the writers of your show in public, even if it is justified.

As far as football players go, he’s pleasantly dopey and enthusiastic, and not an obvious asshole, so hat’s off to him!

don’t usually get worked up about celebrities either way but i’m truly growing to hate this fucking guy for genuinely no good reason.

It’s so weird that the director of that (Christophe Gans) didn’t go on to do great things but ended up making movies based on the Silent Hill video game series of all things. He did make an interesting non-Disney Beauty & The Beast movie in 2014, probably the second best thing he’s done.

I think writers should be treated with more respect than how Heigl consistently spoke about them. As much as sexism played a role, it was also an actress dumping on a maligned job that also decides who plays what role. There’s enough sexism in the industry that people don’t need to keep running cover for people who

I was just talking to someone the other day about how underappreciated Last Action Hero is. It does a lot of fun things with genre tropes, both in terms of parody and subversion, and you can tell a bunch of the cast (Arnold and Charles Dance, in particular) are having a lot of fun making it. It also helps that

To be fair, IIRC, most of the cast didn’t seem to realize it’s a satire, either. NPH definitely does, and you can see him loving every moment of it, but everyone else plays it pretty straight.

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Definitely Raptor Jesus. Raptors are Christians. We know this because of the documentary The VelociPastor.

As mentioned, the word “subversive” is hard to entirely nail down. So I offer this suggestion with the caveat that it might not be as subversive as others.

Probably a better comparison for the FB/Rambo series is Mad Max and The Road Warrior.

i’ll make a case for Executive Decision: every decision in the carefully planned rescue mission goes horribly wrong, and the movie is about recovering from those badly executed moments.

He literally only kills one (1, uno, singular) person in First Blood, and that’s mostly through sheer dumb luck. And not even with a gun or knife.

The bit that cemented Cruise to me as one of the finest actors around was when he swaggers into Brendan Gleeson’s office, all Madison Avenue slickness and Don Draper Charm, with the friendliest smile on his face, and then Gleeson tells him he’s not here for PR, he’s going in with the first wave.

Just don’t confuse it with The Delta Force, which was definitely not made by Cannon as a satire but still manages to look like one for how hilarious it is. It somehow makes the Libyans terrorists in Back to the Future less comical and more respectful

Yeah the leather trenchcoat and scientific experiments on live bugs were kind of a giveaway and a perfect example of how the movie gradually amps that up.

I’ve known people who have said they did not understand it was satire or that the humans are clearly fascists and I just can’t comprehend that when Doogie Houser walks into the third act dressed like an SS officer.

The term “elevated horror” gets thrown around a lot these days, but you don’t hear much about “elevated action.”