Zircon the Blue

Harrison Ford is 81 years old. It’s just not believable for him to be playing the presid...never mind.

I refer to Hollywoo Stars And Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let’s Find Out maybe once a week in my house. 

You also think this quoting you:

I hope he survives the movie and runs again.

For the same reasons why a Palestinian superhero would be a problem too if you had bother to read, understand, and comprehend what I said instead of resorting to the usual mindless knee-jerk reactionary “AnTiSeMiTe!” nonsense.

“Because if it is just Sabra existing”

I believe Hughes forgot the “JD Salinger Presents” in  Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!

Huh. Harrison Ford kind of looks like he gives a damn.

No sane person has a problem with Israel’s right to exist. Most of us just have a problem with Israel’s opinion that Palestine shouldn’t exist

I saw a screening at a festival in Beijing earlier this year, going in knowing nothing about the duo’s work (it turns out I’d seen 49th Parallel at some point, though). The docu does outline the creative difficulties they had with Selznick over Gone to Earth and the butchering of the American version, but unlike the

Yeah I’ve seen every episode of Succession at least twice and I did not recall this one whatsoever. 

She’s the Daniel Day Lewis of pop music.


I have no doubt but that this is little more than a glorified DVD special feature (and maybe not even as good as many of those from back in the day) but if it piques the curiosity of even one casual viewer whose never seen a Powell/Pressburger movie enough into watching “The Red Shoes,” “A Matter of Life and Death,”

🎵 Guess who’s back?

I knew there was a reason I liked Kroll and Mulaney!

Move over, William Hughes! There’s another satire robot on the scene, and she’s ready to haphazardly aim snark in all directions at once!

At some point a group of people making this video had to decide that when Katy refueled herself with gas, where exactly in her butt it would go. And in a strange choice didn’t pick the spot we all assumed they’d use.

That’s a terrible trivia question. I watched that episode last week and didn't remember the answer.