
As a teen in the 90's, I remember the video for this very well. Specifically, that scene where they're all on the beach. Salt in that pink and black one-piece? Awesome.

Yeah, but that scene where they're dressed up as showgirls and try to seduce Steve Zahn? Oooooooooh my.

I watched this over the weekend and I mostly agree, though I didn't know whether or not they had found anything at the excavation at the time I watched it, so that was kind of a surprise. I had a 2600 and I had E.T. so I knew how 'WTF?' that game was.

I actually have the special edition DVD - hey, it was $3 at the pawn shop and I wanted to watch it again - and he does commentary on it, along with Henstridge and Roger Donaldson. Sounds like it was a good time.

Ha, I immediately thought of that too when he said that!

I think the YouTube - or was it Facebook? - comments were split between people who 'get' Hertzfeldt's sense of humor, and those who were like, 'this is horrible.'

- Tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?
- I live in a giant bucket.

'The Girl is Mine' is what stops Thriller from being no-bad-songs album. That dialogue at the end with Paul is corny.

In that leotard and tights when Broderick calls her from the pay phone? Oooh yeah.

The two guys in the beginning of this film would go on to do bigger things - John Spencer (The West Wing) and Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs). In the commentary for this movie, Badham says this is one of the first films Madsen was ever in, and that he was excited that he got paid for it.

I love how they've just kept going. I've seen them 4 or 5 times over the years, the first time opening for Gravity Kills at a club here in town. They were awesome, and it wasn't long after that 'Bound For the Floor' was a hit on the radio. Last time I saw them they covered The National's 'Terrible Love'. I'm actually

They actually had a T shirt for sale back in the late 90's that had the Prep H box with Local H on there instead.


Upvoted for that Chemical Brothers concert film.
Don't Think -> Out of Control -> Setting Sun is the best.

Well, according to Bill Hicks, Dick Clark was Satan, so now that Clark's dead, Satan may have inhabited Fallon's body now.

Whoa, I remember those Encyclopedia Brittanica commercials! I didn't know that was his son. And of course, I grew up with Looney Tunes cartoons.

Yea, Load does have a few great tracks.

I bought Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too at a library sale for a buck. I liked it more than I thought I would.

"What's with all these squares?" - Butt-head

I still remember a commercial for that, where a kid asks to be excused from class to use the restroom, and then plays in one of the stalls (lifting his feet up when the teacher comes looking for him).