How about moving to Washington where the seat of government and the security is all based? Too bad that shit hole of a town doesn’t meet their exalted standards.
How about moving to Washington where the seat of government and the security is all based? Too bad that shit hole of a town doesn’t meet their exalted standards.
It’s crazy because without the job he’d NEVER recieve even the basic of security clearances. He has all the red flags of someone who would be easily bribed or blackmailed into giving away classified information.
I’m far from a Republican, but any economist worth his salt can explain to you that the “wage gap” isn’t nearly what people think it is. If big business could really hire one sex at 80% of the wage to do 100% of the job, they would do it in a heartbeat. Wonder why they don’t?
Look he can’t hel...
I reject the premise of your riddle request. People certainly do want made in China, as evidence... the amount of goods we import from China... ever heard of supply and demand? Super advanced economic idea.
That’s the thing; even they don’t really believe it. But, damn, if that racism, xenophobia, and misogyny overlaid on top doesn’t feel so good to them. He wasn’t selling anything any other Republican hasn’t sold, it’s just this time he covered it with whip cream to make it irresistable for them. They know they are…
I think this attitude is an extremely large part of how the alt right gained so much traction. What happened to proper debate and discourse? If we, as liberals, are so afraid of her voice being heard, and are willing to silence controversial topics then are we really striving for a fair and balanced society? or one…
I don’t know if you know this, but do you know how ridiculous you sound? What is wrong with him having her on his show to discuss and challenge her crazy ideals?
Kara, whether I like your post or not, it’s not wise to drop a post like this and then not engage further.
If men solely perpetrate sexism against women, then they are indeed the authority on what is or isnt sexist.
Honestly, I’m torn. On the one hand, yeah it is actually critical that our President-elect is encouraging the American public to believe that preventing flag burning is more important than protecting our Constitutional rights. Truly, the only reason that we are able to exercise our rights is by agreement. If we ignore…
Hey... what do you think would happen if Twitter banned him? It’s not illegal. It’s probably the most effective form of protest against him that we can muster. And it’d crack down on the Twitter trolls who inevitably will unilaterally boycott the site. We need to appeal to Jack Dorsey immediately.
3) I am no fan of Mika, but her silence is literally deafening here.
“until you drop that, we’re done.”
It seems to me that things have gotten so Pavlovian in the feminist movement that someone as cynical and fact free as Kellyanne Conway can (cynically, in a manner free of fact) claim sexism and “feminists” will automatically back her, even though doing so is antithetical to literally everything they supposedly stand…
I’d say the latter and Ellie fell for it hook line and sinker.
It’s a loophole for rich people to deduct the salaries of their nannies and mistresses posing as nannies.
I forgot Tiffany even existed until this article. I remember her being talked about after the convention. Then *poof.* Forgotten instantly. I suspect Trump had the same problem. “The Times wants a quote about who? Tiffany? I love their diamonds. Their selection is YUUUGE. They sell the best diamonds. Its why I always…