
Successes and flops actually do matter. Because if it flops they’ll go back to the drawing board eventually and, in theory, do it right next time. Sometimes this takes several flops but flops are what gave us the last batman trilogy, which despite its issues, was a welcome change. Likewise, because of its success it

I feel like Harvest Moon / Seasons has gone stale lately. This is more of an homage to the earlier, better in my opinion, titles. It also mixes a touch of rune factory in, I suppose. Overall, if you’re a fanatic I don’t think it would hurt any. Natsume is a terrible company to support so Harvest Moon is dead, and the

And people are voting for Trump under his current guise. People are fucking idiots...

Apparently this game has issues with most high end AMD cards. Also, fuck the Windows 10 store. And that’s putting it nicely. You’d think by now Microsoft would have a clue as to how to cater to people on their own platform, but noooooooooooope

Well, main thing to remember is that Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons has basically gone to shit and plateaued for a while now.

I think you mean hyper hypocritical...

It’s really not...

It’s really not...

eSports really doesn’t need assholes like James commenting anyway. Now that it’s professional, and I’m tempted to use quotes but that wouldn’t be fair, the money is there now. So, it is a professional...hobby-game-like-thing-that’s-not-a-sport-but-game-thing, so people representing it should be professional more than

To anyone paying attention Gabe is a liar and bit of an asshole. You’d have to be. What, you think success only comes to nice people? If you’re not an asshole in business, and he clearly is, you’re not going to succeed.

Well, he certainly feels the need to unnecessarily hate on just about anything and everything. So it certainly seems fitting that people give back what he throws.

When theres a bunch of mindless sheep baaing away you can’t just kick them back into the mud. Sometimes you must feed them.

Are you new to p0litics or just blind by partisanship? This happens on both sides of the aisles. There’s no point in trying to be clever and picking one side. It makes you look quite the opposite.

They breathe down necks, threaten wages, cut deadlines, force atrocious DRM schemes. They basically participate in every activity that leads to fuckery in this industry. Which is why so many were happy when they left the first time. They also fucked up and nearly destroyed quite a few IPs during their reign of terror.

I was going to be smug until I read it was Vivendi. They, oddly, really would be worse than Ubisoft and Vivendi has already left dark marks in gaming, especially PC gaming, when they last went on their mad run.

Meh. The game is vastly overrated anyway. It’s just not balanced properly and it becomes a grind far too early and far too unnecessarily.

Don’t use it for critical data. I find all externals to be well past their limits and they fail often, even when just left plugged into a desktop and never touched.

Don’t use it for critical data. I find all externals to be well past their limits and they fail often, even when

I really don’t understand why idiots, yes idiots because it’s 100% irrational, think that Resident evil 6 is so bad when it’s almost precisely everything they wanted. It’s a fusion of 4, 5 and Revelations and lets not even begin to forget how everyone was praising Revelations. 6 is hardly any different, except more

It’s not great, either. Which it would have been if Valve wouldn’t have tried to make an all-in-one controller. Which was stupid to begin with. They should have made a controller explicitly made to replace M&K and then just made one to improve on the 360 controller. People would have bitched about two controllers but

Funny thing is that a lot of the animals on the list can actually transmit some rather nasty diseases if you touch them or they touch you. Of course that’s true with all wild animals but the diseases that some Australian ones are rather unique, to say the least.

The only thing more shameful is your mindless apologies and attempted rationalization for such behavior. As there is none.