
Don’t be daft. Microwaves boil water, essentially. You can make a many great things in the Microwave. Will you cook a turkey in it? No, of course not. Could you make gravy,bechamel? Cranberry sauce? poached eggs? Sausages? Pasta? Hell, you can make a damn cake in the microwave if you know what you’re doing. (Go light,

And everyone knows, as you show, New Englanders are never satisfied and often snobbish.

It’s only a prank if you’re friends with the one being pranked and it is indeed only in “good” fun and most importantly appropriate and understanding fun. Not all pranks, regardless of their intentions, are equal to everyone.

You seem to NOT realize how much assets cost and that, YES, most developers don’t have artistic abilities, at least not efficient ones. Because DERP, there’s more to development, far more, than just graphics. So if you’re to be a developer that isn’t in graphics, herp de derp.

I’ll pay full price for the game if they’re no longer going for mindless whales.

My least favorite memory is the E3 the year before the PS4 was going to be announced. Absolutely nothing but indie “announcements” and barely that. That’s when I knew Sony had fucked us over. Hard. The years that followed only confirmed that suspicion. My second least favorite is spending $100 for a 64GB card, because

I’d rather Bioware get on it. Even in their current state. At least it’d be different.

Traditionally speaking, no, they’re pretty weak all things considered. But they’re still fairly “solid” and prove that console gaming isn’t dead, and therefore the japanese people aren’t brain dead, but it’s on life support.

Except when they sue him for some arbitrary reason.

Ubisoft is by far worse than EA these days. EA actually isn’t that terrible outside of their insistence to have a shitty storefront and only use Origin for their new games. A client that is still lacking basic features.

To be fair, all those studios were already dying by the time EA got their hands on them. They just poured concrete on the coffins and dashed any hopes of a resurgence.

Don’t be so sure. Look at the demographics in the Republican party and in particular to Trump...

I really like this game (for some reason I have a penchant for playing it while watching Parks and Rec.) but it still feels like it’s missing something for me. It doesn’t have that Sim City polish and there were some ideas in the awful SimCity (moar like SimTown amirite?) reboot that I wouldn’t mind seeing in here.

Here’s hoping he gets a clue in the next Bethesda RPG games and makes a persistent world with real consequences, for once. Also a damn main game story that doesn’t go turtle half way through.

Yes and no. On PC I think a lot of its problems have to do with its DRM nonsense, including the memory weirdness (partially). It runs pretty well consistently if you have at least 16GB of ram. YMMV otherwise.

Sure, but the next game may not if everyone did that.

We already fell for that once when they increased the price to $60 and look at what that brought us.

Who bought Atari again? Either way screw em all.

Yeah too bad this DRM fucks with paying customers. All for what? A boogeyman witchhunt that offers no real evidence of having any real, consistent consequences, particularly for AAA games because it’s usually ONLY AAA games that use these forms of abusive DRM and AAA games and studios get hurt the least by piracy.

When I see tails like that I think, “dawww” then I remember what a nightmare they are when kitties get the shits.