
Closer to the Corolla in sales numbers, but yes, a big seller. Here are the 2004 sales figures by model:

And if you do like the states want, and use that lane up to the actual merge point, they get pissed at you and try to block you in the closed lane.”

Thank you for the citation. Very interesting, the conflicting perspectives on this, even from Biden himself. Per the article, it sounds like he opposes Nord Stream 2, but felt lifting the sanctions was a lesser of evils situation. May come back to bite him.

Agreed. Point being that the game is optimized for the PS4 vs. the PS5, so while they may be working small miracles on the PS4 because of their knowledge of the system, they are underutilizing the PS5.

I think shopping for the best price is wise, for sure. But the savings you’re gaining is coming out of the dealer’s cut, which is a cost on top of the manufacturer’s price. The assertion I’m challenging is that by having dealers in competition with each other, someone can get a better price than the manufacturer will

This is fascinating. Please cite your sources. I would like to read more.

And irony is dead

PS5 version up top, PS4 Pro below. Can you spot any differences? (Yes, I know the compression doesn’t help.) Trust me though: The PS4 edition holds its own extremely well, and stands as a testament to Polyphony Digital’s optimization of the older hardware”

What matters more is what price dealers pay for the vehicle. Perhaps there are variations based on regional incentives or volume discounts, but generally, all dealers pay the same price from the manufacturer. All you’re negotiating is how much margin the dealer is willing to give up beyond their cost.

The overwhelming sentiment in the U.S. right now is that people want to help Ukraine. This is aimed at helping Ukraine. It will come with a cost.  

To be fair, the people born in half of the time frame cited are Gen X and maybe a smidge of millennial depending on where you draw the line for the start of the generation. I was born in the ‘70s, though, so my leaded-gasoline-addled brain may be affecting my judgment.

Polish jokes were stale long before the ‘90s

Thank you. Was wondering about the sudden dearth of content. Good luck to them.

Seriously. Couldn’t agree more with this take. Is this a generational thing, this constant rejection of anything that pre-dates the writer’s era? I’m Gen X and I thought we were really cynical in our youth, but damn. Or, maybe this is just a Gizmodo thing? Either way, it’s pretty tiresome.

Ah! Thank you. The “for a business” thing threw me off. Was reading the article expecting more info on the business. Your edit makes it all make sense now.

Right? Cause NYC in winter is a real treat.

Link to your source? You’ll note that I provided links to credible sources.

I’ve had numerous American, German and Japanese cars and I’ve found that the German cars don’t necessarily break more frequently, but they are more likely to break in catastrophically expensive ways.

Numerical fact, my ass.

I’ve bought 10 or 11 cars from dealers - new and used - and of those, I think 2 were positive experiences. And by “positive experience” I mean it wasn’t an experience riddled with lies and general fuckery.