
I was on a flight in the early 90's that lost Hydraulics , could not get the flaps down, no reverse thrusters. I believe the pilot had the Ram Air Turbine extended also for power. It took us 45 minutes to go around , dump fuel and line up on the runway into Cleavland airport. There were a couple people crying /

Well, it's too bad you were't flying the plane to show how a real pro would do it.

how is someone trading a seat for another that is empty costing the airline anything?

That is a big joke. Safety? Why do we need flight attendants these days when flying is the safest form of transport? Are there similar safety attendants on buses? If airlines want to save money, get rid of this expense. This seems to be a remnant from the days of full service that needs to go. Just have a bucket

If by exactly you mean opposite then yes.

Comcast will be there between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

You mean it SLEIGHS, amirite?

If you think kindness is the limit of what is needed to stop mass death of Black teenagers, you have some work to do.

Would you have said the same thing to the white Mississippi freedom riders? They were good white people, too, and they paid the ultimate price for their decision to stand up for justice. Or the straight folk who mourned the death of Matthew Shepard? Or the men who fight for equal pay for women? Or the able-bodied

i think too many people see empathy and support as being somehow attention whoring. I'm sure there are is a small group out there who act supportive just to feel good on social media, but most are people who are disgusted by police violence, inherent inequalities, institutional racism, and the kind of dismissive

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.

Right, because "Non Craft Beer Guy" has a mythical top 15 American breweries list floating in his head.

Hippie is just another word like liberal or progressive that right wing turds have turned in to the new nigger.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

I'm so confused. :(


Now we get to hear from all the Steampunk-Craft-Candy-Millennial-Hipsters in Brooklyn/Portland. Let me guess, Justin's goes great with a PBR, fixed-gear bikes and moustache wax?