Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.
Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.
It is better to make a concrete offer. Say something like - I want to help you. Can I come by on Thursday next week with dinner? People who are grieving don’t always feel comfortable asking for help even when it has been offered with the best, truest of intentions.
Kyle, I don't like you as a person or enjoy your writing. You are bad at your job.
The low battery thing:
Hahahaha, so, in short, you couldn’t actually name something that Hillary Clinton said that even remotely compares to the monstrosity of the lie that Carly Fiorina told yesterday. Because there is nothing. But I’m sure you have something to say about her retarded fucking emails or fucking Benghazi. Shit, I don’t even…
You’re doing a simply wonderful job showing that your “argument” — and, indeed, your entire political philosophy — entirely lacks substance. Keep going.
I would support selecting one state (Missouri/Arkansas?), for which we would revoke the constitution and allow them to establish sharia of a Christian variety, also provide a stipend for people who want to move there (or move out — it's going to suck there pretty quickly).
I support a metric America!
You should really look at the breakdown of tax income by county some time, then look at how those counties vote. Lucky for you, its all publicly posted. So do some fucking research.
I love the reviews that are basically “Great food but had to wait 40 minutes on a Friday night! One star.”
No, I’m not saying that. I’m all for a good, well-written critical piece, but this article reads like it was written by a sarcastic high schooler who thinks anything popular is uncool.
Because he thinks it’s cool to be jaded concerning Apple. Next week someone will tell him what else he is supposed to be jaded about and he jump on that bandwagon.
Well, it provides a writer with little talent or technological expertise an opportunity to use the word “fuck” in order to convince those equally mindless to think he has a brain.
This is just as annoying, in the opposite way, as the articles that fellate Apple. Can’t someone just write something...oh I don’t know, that isn’t so agenda based?
Devil’s Advocate here... If you don’t like Apple or its stuff, fine, but why would do a whole article on stuff you’ll never like. It’s a major click-baiting troll, don’t you think?
:: cuts every tag off of every mattress in the house ::
Time for her to put up or shut up. Deny a stay of the order pending an appeal, (which means she has to issue licenses until the appeal is heard), and if she still refuses, toss her ass in jail for contempt of court. She will not get out until she either agrees to follow the law and issue licenses, or she is removed…