Ann can be as boring as she wants because she's hot, and also too, her dad has a lot of money.
Ann can be as boring as she wants because she's hot, and also too, her dad has a lot of money.
Attention -
I was in Saline Valley one Memorial Day weekend ( I know, I know) it was 120F.
by N pass do you mean the road that goes to/by Eureka Dunes?
Ah Saline Valley. Took a geology field trip there a loooong time ago before there was a National Park. Roads extremely rough. Our caravan had Suburbans, VW bugs and buses, and our Datson mini truck.
Better n yours apparently
ahhhh....The food to lose Empires with.
I would rather have Uber on my pizza than ham-fucking-burger.
Pagliacci's perhaps?
I was in a pub in Ireland where they served pizza - it came out unsliced. We looked around and everyone was ripping their pizza's apart like they were parking tickets.
Wrong. At best, anchovies are a variation. Not part of the original recipe. Don't confuse your preferred variation with what a Ceasar Salad IS. And don't bea dick to whoever brings to you without your disgusting variation.
#not all milks
Blood glucose monitor
This is the FoxNews of brackets
Pure powdered fuckery on a bullshit starch plain.
People who eat Nacho Cheese Doritos also still have their Moms cut the crusts off their sandwiches (PB&J natch.)
You eat me...
Indeed there is. So isolated, not much contact with those different than they.
I heard the shortage was partly due Michelle Bachmann buyin' all she could get her hands on for the last ten years.