I'd give this post a solid 3 stars, although I had to take away one because I had trouble finding a place to park in front of my house, and also too, it's cloudy.
I'd give this post a solid 3 stars, although I had to take away one because I had trouble finding a place to park in front of my house, and also too, it's cloudy.
Fucking gross
The three slice crowd are Guy Fieri fan bois
Velveeta = no curds. Just oil and yellow dye #2
You're wrong. Way wrong. The Delta Smelt are found no where else in the world. They are not an invasive species. They are part of the delta ecosystem. Losing them would imbalance the delta, which is the largest fresh water estuary West of the Mississippi.
Central Valley already gets 80% of the state's water for Ag. I think that's enough.
Yeah, I hate when that happens.
"We're all Pikachu's now"
Talk about stale arguments. It just isn't true, at least not to any worth mentioning extent. i was interacting with someone yesterday who clain Tim Cook said Apple invented NFC. He did no such thing.
Yes! Walk to the right. In the college town I live in students WILL NOT give way. Their 2 or 3 friends walking side-by-side take the entire sidewalk.
This is indeed infuriating. The same thing is happening amongst the Marin Co. rich.
To me it tastes like a rotting log on the forest floor - gross witches potion.
Gosh, ya' think that's because Apple makes products more appealing and easier to use for the masses?
Last time I had one of these color hadn't been invented yet.
Tyme to run up that hill, no problem.
Well that was craptastic.
I didn't know they sold Neapolitan ice cream to you if you were over eight.
Red Delicious and Yellow apples come out of horses.
Oops! forgot the garlic! Lots of that!
Pasta w/articoke hearts, capers, lemon zest, onion