Biofilms are generally benign, doing far more good than harm, breaking down impurities in the water. Even if it can be gross to think of.
Biofilms are generally benign, doing far more good than harm, breaking down impurities in the water. Even if it can be gross to think of.
Where I live, in a geologically “interesting” area, there’s micro-clay in the ground water, which hardens with acids like vinegar, so that’s the worst thing to use. Lye is what works here, at the opposite side of the pH spectrum. Unfortunately, lye tends to eat caulking too, so that must be redone more often.
.. do you know how easy it is to tell that you’ve never been in a serious relationship or have any close friends?
Clicks on blog about pregnancy
Pregnant women should always, and frequently, be told that they are beautiful by their significant other.
have never and would never tip 100% unless there was a serious single mom struggling server situation- which as far as I know there wasn’t.
If you pay the tip with cash[*] and the rest of the bill with a card, make sure you write CASH on the tip line, and replicate the amount on the total line.
This is 2019. Don’t keep the Customer Copy, take a picture of the Merchant Copy.
I don’t think she’s dumb as a rock. She makes money on this.
Whether she has any scruples is a different question.
Hello, I’m pregnant. And I’m thrilled! And so grateful that sometimes I get a little weepy!
Some things will wear out: Running shoes will feel flat and deflated.
The equipment doesn’t matter much here, as long as it isn’t so noisy that you can’t hear the tones, or the speakers are so limited in range that they can’t reproduce the sound at all. A few cents higher or lower will still sound a few cents higher or lower with crappy laptop speakers just as with expensive headphones.…
I was perusing the wife’s Amazon wish list (there’s a holiday around the corner), and saw something from Goop shop on there. I don’t even want to ask.
WTF is wrong with this woman?
Who in the fuck wouldn’t refrigerate mayonnaise?
Part of why he’s doing so well is because he played for Man U for almost 11 years. He is one of their own, and get a level of trust that Mourinho never could get.
They can be resurrected with a squirt of malt vinegar and 40 seconds in the microwave.
Given that he lives in WA, I presume he wants to build a wall against Canada. Those aliens coming down from BC to spend their money is the #1 problem preventing America from being great again!
Twirling huh? In what direction?