Protip: when it is hot outside, wear less clothing.
Protip: when it is hot outside, wear less clothing.
Also keeping in mind that in that extreme cold weather, some of the customers won’t be able to stay warm at home, especially if they live in older houses. Being able to go to a restaurant to warm up and get a warm meal might be heaven for them. They’ll likely going to be very thankful for keeping the place open, even i…
At least with the widely available and equally stupid “seat belt alarm stopper” using it “in a manner in which it is not intended” is only placing oneself in danger.
Why? I am fond of my exes, whether they broke up or I did, or it was a mutual decision. Anyone who hates and trash talks their ex must have really terrible taste and decision making skills, unless it was an arranged or shotgun thing.
They may have a word that just means “people”, but what is it?
Lots of people on this planet are just calling themselves “the people”, in their own language. With humans, we have the advantage that we can take those words in a (to us) foreign language and call them that, and we often do.
I only find the headlamp useful when I’m on the trail. On city streets I don’t find I need it at all.
I used to stop by a hospital every so often, because in the lobby, they had a fountain vending machine that could dispense uncarbonated versions of all the common beverages, including Coke.
So basically it wasn’t Netflix that was hacked, but someone obtained the login information to your e-mail account. With that, they could reset the password on Netflix every time you changed it, and get back in, then delete the password reset e-mail.
Times change. Learn to change with them. You wanted old people to do the same when you were young too.
Being called “Sir” can be offensive to men too, depending on their culture and origin. In countries with peerage, a Sir is a vassal to the crown, while a free man shares sovereignty with the monarch. In some other countries, calling someone with a different title (like Doctor or Captain) “Sir” would be lowering their s…
“Hey you” etc is going to get a lot of service workers in trouble. If there’s a gender-neutral word to replace sir or ma’am in that context I can’t think of it.
Because bloggers also need to eat and have homes
It’s the non-standard terminology that makes Starbuck’s an ordeal for some of us, so your decoder ring is much appreciated!
There is no downside.
This might blow someone’s mind, but there are sweet meat pies too.
Prune-and-pork pie, or chutney and meat pies can be really nice.
What’s this “cottage pie”? It has no cottage in it, and if it were made in a cottage, I’d expect game meat. Call it a cowboy pie if it has cow.
Steak and kidney pie should be right up the American palate, where acidity is the norm. But some frown on the idea of kidneys.
What do I say at Starbuck’s to make them make me a café au lait and not a caffè latte?