Venus Zippertrap

Would that also stop all the leaks in this administration?

Sometimes it really is the fault of the server. When she stands over by the bar texting or flirting instead of bringing me my steak which was ready five minutes ago and is rapidly coagulating, the only fault of the manager is not having fired her yet.

If you’re sharing a tab with them,

generally if I went out with a guy and he tipped less than 20%, his night was ending with pornhub.

It’s a choice about treating a fellow human decently.

Since I see bills with tip hints stating 12%, 15% and 18% pre-calculated amounts, I presume that 15% is still kosher.

I’m almost 40, and 7% has NEVER been standard or acceptable

Also, yes, cost of living keeps going up, but wages don’t, so in the restaurant industry that has to be made up with tips.

Why can’t Americans take a step back and make the simple observation that despite the proliferation of fad diets, obesity rates continue to rise?

The lifestyle change happens at goal weight, not for weight loss. No one can operate at a caloric deficit indefinitely, the law of thermodynamics won’t allow it.

the lifestyle is maintaining your new weight once you’ve achieved it.

Give me one reasoned argument for how duck lips are a sign of stupidity...

Since the post doesnt say:
The total eclipse is visible in all of North and South America, Portugal, Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Northern Sweden and Northern Siberia.
The total eclipse lasts for about an hour, and is from January 21, 04:41 UTC until 05:43 UTC. Adjust for your timezone (on the US East Coast, it

Don’t post pics where you look awful

On the other hand, dont hide that you have kids either, including how many and their approximate ages. It’s not a plus if your date finds out because the babysitter calls during the date, or your kids call because theyre fighting.

Give me one reasoned argument for how duck lips are a sign of intelligence...

Also, for stretching to have much of an effect, you need to hold each stretch for minutes. The five-second stretches that many do is really just static exercise to a pain point.

That seems like gear that won’t work much below freezing. Winter running up North means layers everywhere as temperatures creep down towards forty below:

I’ve seen “Please RSVP” written on invites by the inviting party and I just assumed they had no clue about the translation but they knew more or less what it meant

Top Gear UK post-C/H/M/W appears to suffer from much the same as Top Gear US did: The presenters just dont seem comfortable with their roles, and often overplay as a result. If not downright awkward, it does at least seem stilted at times. It has improved over time with the new guys, but now that will be broken up a