Venus Zippertrap

I take it to mean passing the value on the left to the value on the right.

On one hand, first off seems redundant. On the other hand, second off can make sense in sports. On the gripping hand, theres no third off.

It’s not a bad name for a pub.

I gave up on anyone using “begging the question” correctly ages ago. It’s like “literally” or “decimate”. Too many people use them wrong to ever go back.

Lots of -ize words are overused, misused, and weaken the statement.

Huh ?? What car are we talking about here ? An i8 ? On the i3, its deffo for efficiency. Not sure what the performance reasons would be ?? I am confused.

The need for large rotors and calipers at each wheel may no longer be necessary

Having a BMW with regenerative braking, I can’t see that it does much for the life of the brakes. (On this car, it sends the energy to the battery and coil for performance reasons, not for fuel effiency, but that difference shouldn’t affect the life of the brake pads.)

Give it a couple of years to grow to slaughter size.

I’m all for lab grown meat, for the meats I cannot get any other way, often due to taboos. Lab grown whale and human meat, I’d be very interested.

Plus, cute animals had to be murdered for it.

Trump doesn’t give a fuck about California because he knows he can’t win that state.

I’d say that fat and water are even more important ingredients.
I sure can cook a hell of a lot better without salt than without water...

Most doors open outwards toward the street or lobby. At least in places advanced enough to have fire codes. American hotels where hotel room doors often open inwards (to prevent other guests from walking into an opening door?) are an exception to the rule.

My stock words are: tea, coffee, beer, thank you, toilet, please which I have learnt in about twenty languages, although I am a bit rusty on some.

I pride myself on being able to order beer in 17 languages. Everything becomes much easier after a beer or two with the natives.

Best single phrase I think you can learn in a language when you are traveling abroad, outside of things like “Hi,” “please,” and “thank you,” is “how do you say [point to noun].”

Insert the usual tale about male tourists innocently wandering into the ladies’ room in Ireland because in the Irish language, “Men” is Fir and “Women” is Mná.

“My name is”

Oh yeah, ANY attempt to speak a foreign language in good faith should be lauded. It’s definitely, as you say, karmically on the person you are speaking with.