Venus Zippertrap

Or just on any flight. Until your kid can sit quietly and be relied upon to not leak bodily fluids, then keep it off planes.

I remember a few times when he was older where he started to have a melt down a few minutes after we sat down. We didn’t even bother to order and walked out the place with him crying and screaming. I was not about to be one of those people who let their kid act like that and disturb everyone else.

I heard of one study that found customers rated cashiers better when the cashier touched their hand while passing back change.

If your friends feel like they can’t say no to you, then you are not really friends.

If this is in addition to the Women’s March on March 8 (International Womens Day since 1975, with marches world wide), I’m all for it, but if it’s instead of, I think it’s just watering down women’s rights.

I think I’ve have maybe one person say no after asking if they wanted a hug.

That seems like a much better solution, yes!   Lots of stars to the parent, please!
I know that if people I knew asked me if they could give me a hug, I would have a very hard time turning them down, but if they asked whether I was a hugger, I would have no problem answering not at all.

It still puts the onus on the people who don’t want to hug to say they don’t want a hug. The more non-confrontational and compliant they are, the more difficult it is to say no. So in essence, yes, by asking, you’re being manipulative. Just dont, unless you already know the person wants a hug or your tongue in their m

In my youth, I was into gymnastics. I can with certainty say that pommel horses, horizontal and parallel bars are a clear and present danger to the future of mankind.

“An Asian-American waiter at a Bennigan s restaurant in Houston randomly assigned his customers to receive a brief touch, a prolonged touch, or no touch at all.”

Do you wash your hands every time you hug someone?

As for hugs, asking “would you like (or may I have) a hug?” is always considerate.

But if they’re a regular, a light tap on the shoulder as a greeting.

What were they thinking inventing this surge protector and not calling it the Power Tower? Missed marketing opportunities

What were they thinking inventing this surge protector and not calling it the Power Tower? Missed marketing

Storing any wine in the fridge for weeks or months is also terrible because a fridge’s compressor is frequently running and vibrates A LOT. This can actually let tiny amounts of air get past the cork and wreck it.

Short-term that’s ok, but longer than a couple months in the fridge can ruin it...

Agreed. The best vehicle for champagne is a pilsner glass. A 750 ml bottle fills two 35 cl glasses, and when drinking champagne, two is the ideal number of people.

My take on cookbooks is that anything that has the words “New York Times” anywhere on the cover is to be avoided, and so is anything with the word “easy”.
And this year, add “instant pot” to that list.

that furloughed employees “consult with their personal attorney” prior to sending one out.

It wasn’t until I moved to Vancouver Washington in middle school that I even remember seeing, let alone hanging out with, a black kid in my school. It’s honestly surreal to think back on as an adult.