Venus Zippertrap
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America has an entire section of the country that uses “Coke, hon” :)

So youre an Islander then. (As opposed to a mainlander.)

Minnesota isn’t a city. Are you thinking of Minneapolis? I think they’re called Minnenapolians.

I seem to hear Bay Stater far more than Massachussettsan. I’d say Massachussetter is more common than Massachussettsan.

Does it also cover the peculiar custom of wearing a short sleeve T outside a long sleeve T?

There are some truly massive people who can lift many times their body weight.

Oops - thats what you get for a tuppenny poem :p

Is buoyancy really a caveat? If having slightly higher body fat percentages give women an edge in a certain sport, why talk about it like that?

And how do you get it to understand dialects?
I may write Queen’s English, but I certainly don’t speak it.

What’s “trechicidae”?

The photochromic lenses shift from darker under full sun to a lighter in dense trees, so you’ll always be able to see where you’re going.

The photochromic lenses shift from darker under full sun to a lighter in dense trees, so you’ll always be able to

You should really develop that first sentence into a full poem.

*yes I am asserting that serum levels of Testosterone influence muscle mass and strength, given equal amounts of training.

Since I started moving at the end of January, I have done 2,488.5 km (1,546 miles) as actually logged running/walking so far this year, and 4,572.7 km (2,841 miles) in total, including non-exercise walking and treadmill (which doesn’t register on GPS). At the end of the year, I now average around 10 km (6 miles) a day

I guess I can lift a Newborn Manatee, although it looks rather slippery.

It may not work for everyone, but what made it much easier for me to do daily runs without injury was to switch to minimalist footwear with no arch support or stability, but plenty of flex (in my case Nike Free RN, but I’m not a brand fanatic). The shoes are really only there to prevent me from stepping on rocks and

Point out one instance where the pejorative term couldn’t be replaced with the neutral heterosexual.

A relative is a gastroenterologist and at Thanksgiving shared that she removed a marker from a rectum this year.

There are fingertip vibrators.
And bendable cock rings.