I have not a drop of Italian blood in me, yet I do a seafood-themed Christmas Eve dinner every year
I have not a drop of Italian blood in me, yet I do a seafood-themed Christmas Eve dinner every year
what gets me is that if an American was to go around and tell people in other countries they should do things our way, we’d get yelled at and called names.
When a food culture is as agglomerative as America’s is, and as dismissive of Britain’s food culture, it strikes me as odd you wouldn’t take the best bit.
So with all this talk of using goose fat, do any of you do a roast goose at Christmas?
Signed, a woman getting buried under a motorcycle
It doesn’t matter; if you’re a typical American, you’ll have self-inflicted type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and if you had a healthy 401k, medical co-pays would wipe it out anyhow.
Doctors and hospitals are not agents of the state.
I’ve already eaten so much holiday food, cookies, cakes, drinks and whatnot that I am currently considering a week of oatmeal just to feel better again.
This is all just international recognition from someone who clearly doesn’t speak English as a first language.
I’d rather see the opposite - the newer games turned into 16-bit low-res glory.
Note that these are only 2,000 mAh batteries.
An 8-pack of Maha/Powerex 2,700 mAh AA batteries will cost you around $25, but they’ll also last far longer, and be able to power some hungrier stuff that the lower end batteries just can’t deliver power fast enough for.
Note that these are only 2,000 mAh batteries.
An 8-pack of Maha/Powerex 2,700 mAh AA batteries will cost you around $2…
Don’t you go badmouthing Deadknights!
No, that was what he said...
What kills me is how not only how he’s such a terribad liar, but how he’s never had to put much effort into lying, because so many people people somehow willingly/magically believe his bullshit.
My only regret when getting it is that there’s not a giant version of it.
“four pieces of chicken nuggets” implies that they’re torn/broken/incomplete somehow.
There’s actually a trick to this. Ask for an “IBA standard [name of drink]”.
In that case, you won’t get more alcohol than it calls for, nor other extras like creme de menthe instead of cream in an Irish Coffee or orange in a Rusty Nail.
Dr. Dr. Betteridge sagt “Nein”.