Venus Zippertrap

Quite possibly. According to my dictionary, skinny is someone who lacks not only fat but muscles too, and a synonym of gaunt and emaciated. A slim person is one who lacks fat, but isnt dystrophied too.

Incredible how fast you can derail your fitness level in just a year.

Of course the issue is instead of being skinny fat, I am just plain skinny now.

50K I can understand, but 50M? That’s over 3 marathons every day...

Good work!
I went from 215 lbs to 140 lbs in six months this year, without going on a diet, just exercise. I always failed at diets, and felt miserable too. One day in January, I thought “what if what everybody says, that you can’t exercise it off and have to go on a diet, isn’t true?” I found out it was a big fat lie

no dog walking duties

But OLED technology means the blacks will be far richer,

But OLED technology means the blacks will be far richer,

9-3 is standard race driving procedure, with our without stick shifts.

Does your steering wheel not have it’s ‘spokes’ at 3 and 9? Mine does, so I can’t hold it there if I want a solid grip.

I can’t believe how often I see someone driving with their right hand at 12 o’clock, leaning their left elbow on the driver’s door.

This would seem reasonable if the mirrors auto-adjusted in when reversing.

Now playing

For another memory song that’s fun to learn:

“Healthy” is relative, I don’t see any terrible habits here. Not everyone has to live on coconut water and celery and have a perfectly flat stomach to be “Healthy”. Most women should actually carry more weight than is acceptable in a modelling ad asshole.

Of course it’s the South that can’t bear to eat like adults.

Given that shes obviously not healthy, I take it that “This is how I eat is to be taken as a warning?

Very well constructed, easy to assemble. You do need the riser, though, as they are too short otherwise.

Very well constructed, easy to assemble. You do need the riser, though, as they are too short otherwise.

Never been worried it would explode or anything like that,

Technically, the Sabbath is Saturday.

Jesus might even have been gay. John called himself the disciple that Jesus loved. If that was brotherly love, he surely had that for other disciples too, and there would be no point in stating it, or it would have been stated as “a disciple that Jesus loved”, not “the”.

I don’t shop at Walmart because they’re a shitty company. But when I’m visiting relatives in South Dakota and I need to buy something, I’m generally at Walmart because that’s the only store in town that carries certain things.