I don’t know how KFC is still is business.
I don’t know how KFC is still is business.
Popeyes is good, but if I go there, it’ll be for catfish and popcorn shrimp, not chicken.
Unless everybody gets their own tray, dips are just asking for communable diseases to be spread. I’d call out sick to avoid getting sick...
from one redbull?
The important question for me is “Does it contain sucralose”, like the old Game Fuel does?
If so, it’s a showstopper. I can’t stand the taste of sucralose.
While one 16:9 widescreen monitor provides more than enough space for one window, it starts feeling cramped as soon as you want to look at multiple windows at a time. Writing a document on the right and need to refer to one on the left? It can be done, but you’ll be squeezing both down to fit everything.
While one 16:9 widescreen monitor provides more than enough space for one window, it starts feeling cramped as soon…
I read a story about four nurses who were fired for taking pictures with the penis of a guy who was in a persistent coma.
Rumor has it that it was called that because one of the earliest “treatments” for it was by “clapping” the infected penis with your hands or between a book to get the pus out.
Wine. Bringing wine to a party is always a great idea.
of all faiths!
Wendy’s 4 for $4 is perfect for that kind of variety now. Small sandwich, drink, fries and 4 piece nugget.
Library is a great tip
I love locally grown lettuce - hyperlocal, as from my own garden.
Being old and in unrequitted love is not much better, and can even be worse. You know that most of your chances are in the past, not the future, for one thing.
I usually say “keep the toy”. A kid’s meal is as much as I’d eat, and I do get variety that would cost a lot more if I ordered a la carte.
Now if only they started bundling adult toys...
The general (but not complete) consensus now is that gender is a mix of nature and nurture, but with substantial overlap. While boys may on average be more drawn towards “boy toys” and girls to “girl toys” even without nurture (according to studies of boys who were brought up as girls, usually due to genital…
Worse, they took the Triple Baconator off the menu.
My arteries cried in agony.
You’re right but, why wanting more from *this* woman, rather than just respecting her choice and move onto another one ?