Venus Zippertrap

The less they say, the less micro the transactions will be.
If nothing at all is said about the economy, expect P2W and hundreds of dollars spent to keep up with other players.

If your butter comes in sticks, youre using the wrong butter...

I make Thanksgiving dinner in and on a stove. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Using an Instant Pot(R)(TM) because it is easy isn’t showing a lot of appreciation, in my opinion. Its something you do on a regular Thursday when youre lazy and dont care, not on Thanksgiving.

It’s not Argyle, it’s a chainlink fence.

Perhaps the Maschendraht decorated cup was intended for that?

Easier, sure, but a well-prepared knackwurst (usually misspelled as knockwurst in the US) is supposed to be fully cooked and still very hot and under high pressure when served, going KNACK when you fork it, spraying your hand (and if lucky, your face) with juices.

Possibly. And Im possibly the only one who nukes the hot dog bun and puts a cold hot dog in it.

Yes, European cooking often confounds Americans. The flavor is in the sauce, not the main ingredient, which is quite often bland. And the dishes generally take a lot of work to prepare, including actually paying attention, so the sausages don’t explode, the sauce don’t get lumpy, and it’s all served hot at the same

Or, actually pay attention while cooking. When a sausage starts to sound, you move it to lower heat for a while, then back on. Anything less than a dozen or so sausages on the griddle/grill at a time, and you can handle them fine - it just takes paying attention while cooking. I know, too much to ask these days.

Lighters are a classic, “snus” boxes, another crowncapped bottle held upside down if you wanna risk opening the wrong one, keys if you wanna risk not getting into your apartment later, teeth if you are too young to realize you’ll need them. Seen a guy do it with an eyebrow once, have no idea how.

exactly, always more fun to try and start shit. But you’re still wrong, you still have to apply the same amount of painful pressure to the cap when unscrewing “from the bottom” lest the cap slip and not unthread. So again no benefit, idiot

WRONG. You have to apply the same amount of force on the cap lest it slip and not unscrew. Only difference being which hand you prefer to turn. Learn physics idiot! Newton’s 3rd law and such...

But if you’re tailgating you might not have any of the above.

That said we’ve had those cans for a pretty god damn long time by now. But its important to look at the people most opposed to canned beer. They’re chiefly older people who were raised on those early steel cans in the 60's and 70's.

The trick to opening soda bottles with a tight cap is to hold the cap and twist the bottle. You get far more leverage than if you do it the other way around.

Pretty much anything will do. The back of a knife, another unopened bottle, a snuff box, or the old favorite, a lighter. I use whatever is handy whenever there isnt a church key within reach.

On a related note, I know adults who force themselves to eat foods they hate and I don’t get it. It’s worth giving something you didn’t like when you were younger a try to see if your palate has changed, but if you still hate it, why not just say “this isn’t for me”?

Large amounts of ribs, steak, barbecue, fondue... I hope you watch her weight!

I agree with you about the processed cheese and

Well, they do get a NEW switch instead of their old one with plenty of miles on it. It’s not uncommon that people trade in their cars just to get a new one, even if the same brand. Why should it be any different for gaming hardware?