Venus Zippertrap

No, its also about children having far more sensitive taste buds and olfactory receptors, not yet having been desensitized like most adults. To someone young, ketchup really is spicy, and they discern flavors in the bland food that you have long lost the ability to taste and smell.

“If you see my dog @ [sic] the McDonald’s on shields, quit feeding her fat ass,” Reyes wrote.

She’s not ‘pretending to be a stray’ - she is simply going to where people give her food. That is essentially what domesticated dogs have evolved / been bred to do. It’s how they became domesticated.

I wonder how/if responses would change based on the age of the dog.

Wouldn’t they be dead first?

That’s not the scenario in question. The scenario is that it is certain death for everyone in the vehicle or everyone in the crosswalk, no exceptions.

I took a livestock hauling course, they said hit deer swerve for moose

I hit a bee once on one- not something I want to repeat

Old men are still fertile, and have the potential to become fathers, or even have a 2 year old waiting for dad to come home, unlike old women. In addition, there’s already a gender imbalance with far more old women than old men in the world, and the chance of an old man being in a relationship being much higher, so

self driving cars will need to prioritize their occupants or nobody will trust them.

Indeed, and that is a problem.
I think that a self-driving car should always avoid injuring pedestrians even if it means harming the occupants, no matter who the pedestrians and occupants are, or how many. After all, the occupants chose to use the car, but pedestrians did not make such a choice.

The chance of becoming rich doesnt change much. I mean, Melinda Gates’ car could roll over your toe and she feel so bad about it that she gave you a few hundred millions. It isnt impossible, however unlikely.

But it’s also worth it because of what the lottery helps fund. While 50 percent of ticket sales go into the pot (the $1.6 billion), the other half goes towards paying vendor fees, lottery administration costs and state causes. For that last part, each state dictates where its lottery revenues go, and that includes

One man’s everyday gloves is another man’s specialty gloves.
The only types of gloves I use are driving gloves, running gloves, nitrile gloves and a chainmail glove, but I guess neither qualify?

One man’s everyday gloves is another man’s specialty gloves.
The only types of gloves I use are driving gloves,

How are the Speks magnetic balls different from the banned Buckyballs? Its founded by the same people, they look the same - heck, even the carrying case seems identical?

How are the Speks magnetic balls different from the banned Buckyballs? Its founded by the same people, they look the

Hungry Man is probably safe. Big portions and its connotations towards obesity is a negative, and you can always hint at a connection between what’s bad and men, or what’s good and women.
But “gentleman” is a positive word, which is what makes it bad. If it had been “highwayman”, there would be no gender problem.

Truly. Call it frozen chunks, not ice cream. Theres nothing creamy about chunks.

MooForia is roughly 10000000 times better than Halo Top.

No, for a winter car, you do not want to jack it up and put Baja tires and ruin the handling. Thats for posing, not for driving.
If anything, you want to put smaller wheels on it, to get better wheel well clearance with snow and ice building up, and better low gear speed control. Going down one size in rims and a set

Its rhino coated, not rhinestone coated. Subtle difference.