
This is a new excuse even for him...

This is the take that was missing: most environmental regulations are based on past experience of what fucks up humans: it’s not about saving the squirrels or some imaginary mother earth goddess.

Environmental agencies don’t fuck around and it makes sense: for example if you had a business dumping toxic waste in a pond then when caught go “whoops, business is bankrupt” you dont get to walk away and leave the government (ie taxpayers) to clean up the mess.


So you're saying 20% of Corvette owners waive the wave...👋

Welcome (back?) Antii. I see Jalopnik have solved their weekend racing coverage lineup problem with the old “if in doubt hire a Finn” method.

That last part about the biggest fans of these being too old to enjoy them makes me wonder what the future holds for the value of cars such as this one. I feel there are more modest Sunday driver “classics” sat in the suburban garages of aging boomers than there are next gen enthusiasts to buy them. This appears to be

I was about to say this was a silly suggestion but Daddy Stroll just bought Aston Martin!

Ooh ooh ooh, we can cancel all public transportation to “prevent transmission”and require everyone to wear masks while simulateously showing photo ID in “high-risk” neighborhoods (anywhere with lots of immigrants)

Wouldn’t Hebrew National have to trim a bit off the tip prior to putting it into service?

I absolutely thought of Ducati while writing this, but their hook has always been performance/racing based. They’re red, Italian, go fast, make zoom zoom noises. Simple enduring formula.

The funny thing about success in business is that while it usually requires skill there’s an element of timing and luck that is impossible to replicate no matter how much “visionary” CEOs writing books claim it was all them. People love ragging on the Kodaks, AOLs and Harleys of this world but in truth the core reason

Don't make me pop the Gullwing door open and come back there...

Do they still make it?!? Cos man that would be a heck of a thing to import as a “show and display” item...

Way too many good things to fit here.

I suspect he did it after they failed to pay him...

Its like watching Fozzie bear’s standup

This is an interesting take; I absolutely find the excesses of billionaires and oligarchs unpleasant because its a reminder of the inequity inherent in the system but you are right, they could be spending that money on private armies or lobbyists to deny people healthcare etc. Everyone benefits if that money goes back

Friend of my “upgraded” the shifter ball on his civic to an S2000 one, he then had to keep a tube sock over it in the summer..