
A nippleologist? They must have a very particular areola expertise.

Sucks if the accusations are true, but I think for years a lot of people have hated him for what I think are some pretty undeserved reasons, like they think he’s not funny or too needy or his petting Trump’s hair somehow helped Trump win the election.

“You respect free MacBooks, but not us?”

The only one of these I particular have an opinion on is Andy Serkis, who absolutely should have been nominated for Andor.

Nah, I didn’t miss the tells—they were insufficient in scale and scope for the arc of the character. There is a sense of proportion that is out of whack with Nate and his redemption arc. Season 2 set him up to be the Big Bad. He went very dark. And then Season 3 gives you whiplash with how quickly it pivots from Nate

I think your vision could have allowed some of the hasty storylines of this season to develop more fully. Remember Zava? We hardly knew ye, dude. But what would Ted Lasso have looked like if there were a short, 8 episode (40 minute max) season where the team struggles to incorporate him into the fold. You could have

I think the reason why responses to this season are so divided and contentious is this: While individual episodes (or parts of the episodes) can be enjoyable, there are over-arching issues of plotting and characterization that keep the show from being cohesive over the course of an entire season. I don’t think I’ve

Louder for the people in back (ie: the people who are on here saying there hasn’t been a drop off in the quality of plotting or character development in Ted Lasso). How do you expand episodes up to an hour but leave a crucial piece of both plot and characterization unsaid? Maybe they’ll give us his quitting in

Nate quitting West Ham off-screen is absolutely fucking unforgivable. I cannot believe how bad his arc has been this season compared to how fantastic it was in s2. Generally I agree with you on this season’s downturn in all respects (I did like last week’s tho) but this one is especially galling to me because of how

You’re right of course. I just wish people would acknowledge that these views and the political views that seem to go along with them are widespread and that we need to learn to approach them with a little more grace. I work in a office with some anti-vaxxers. I hate their viewpoints but I like them despite that.

Is it really controversial for him to have opinions that are shared by a fairly sizeable portion of America?

As someone with absolutely zero nostalgia for the original (only saw it a few days before I saw Maverick after being surprised Maverick got good reviews), I loved it. Just think it was a well-made action movie, with good momentum and an incredible third act.

In the middle of WWI I think people of Great Britain had other things on their minds than whether the Romanovs were rescued.

I do think there’s something to be said that Penny hasn’t thought about how talking about Elizabeth’s actual grandmother who she knew Elizabeth was close with (who was a character on this show for some kind) wouldn’t result in Elizabeth shooting her down.

I actually had access to the correspondences of the British Foreign Office during the Russian Revolution and Civil War for a research project. In reality, it seems as though George V was initially wanting to help the Romanovs, but Lloyd George was cautious about it because he felt under threat from the Labour Party at

More than casually and not for the first time. But I eagerly await the fans who will come tell me (Jewish) why it either wasn’t offensive or why it’s ok for Chappelle to do it. 

I’ve seen a LOT of lazy takes from media reviewers claiming Chappelle “mocked” Kanye and Kyrie. He did no such thing. In fact, he basically agreed with them. All he did was whine about how they’re being punished ‘for saying out loud what everybody thinks’. Chappelle has no problem with anti-semitism, as long as it’s

Yes America is harsher on black people, not going to disagree with that point definitely, and Kanye very much needs help. But, and this is important, Kyrie and Kanye are worth an ungodly sum of money and will probably continue to live okay despite the large losses in money. Also ya know... far right has risen in

Oh good, he managed to be casually antisemitic while decrying antisemitism.

Stephen King said that because the character in the book is not an abuse survivor. Well, not long time, anyway. Her husband is an alcoholic and that has been an issue on their marriage. The book kind of says that Jack broke his son’s arm, but it also heavily implies it was an accident caused by him being drunk and not