
Yay, I’m so excited for this! Lots of great songs on this list. I had suggested “This Will Be Our Year” so I’m especially glad to see that one!

I second “Only You”!

Seconding the Eurythmics!

Hooray! Some suggestions (okay I know this is a lot but hey, might as well try):

I too was very confused by this, but this article from Variety clarifies it: https://variety.com/2023/film/global/naatu-naatu-oscars-controversy-south-asian-representation-rrr-1235557952. Sipligunj and Bhairava were the *singers*; the dancers were not South Asian. And it makes sense that the ABC clip highlights the

Thanks for all your reviews, Caroline! I always enjoyed coming here after the show. You have an encyclopedic knowledge of this show, and you were great at drawing connections to past storylines I’d forgotten. Case in point: I’d forgotten about that 1-10 rating conversation and was wondering what they were referencing

Maybe “The Hateful Eight”? In any case, I’m happy to have Samuel L. Jackson on my screen anytime. “Snakes on a Plane” wasn’t going to promote itself!

Excellent points, top to bottom. I hadn’t thought to connect the haircut plotline to Jack and Rebecca’s season 1 fight. I’m going to miss this show and your reviews!

Or is he considering running for a U.S. Senate seat? My brain refuses to compute that.

I didn’t get why neither of them brought up the idea of Toby applying for *other* jobs in LA. Or asking for more remote work options with his current role. Doesn’t he work in tech? I would think there are decent job opportunities in tech, and especially ones that are open to remote work. I guess the show has decided

I too was confused where Kate and Sophie’s die-hard friendship came from! AND confused why Kevin wasn’t trading a holiday for Thanksgiving. You are totally spot on.

I can’t believe Beth and Deja had a heart-to-heart and we didn’t get to see it! I guess we got the gist of it, but still, I’m always down for more Beth and more Deja and more of the two of them together.

The Academy has also made some other changes, starting with classifying that limited series will only be for shows whose story arcs resolve within the season with no main characters showing up in future seasons.”

While I definitely think Crenshawn is being unfair to Issa, she should have gone up to him immediately after the event to mend fences with him. And if not then, at least when he started dragging her online! Showing up now is way too late, and it’s clear she’s only talking to him because she needs something from him.

I too would like Kevin and Madison to build to a loving relationship. I understand why they didn’t get married, but I’m disappointed. Last week’s Kevin plotline that not all romances look like rom-coms, and that you can find happiness with the person you didn’t think you’d find happiness, really resonated with me. And

Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I guess I had never thought too deeply about the logistics of the premise of this story, but I guess I assumed that the barren women might not have regular periods or something like that. And without getting into spoiler territory, but now having seen the next two episodes, I have even

Okay, that makes sense, thanks.

I was confused by the Mrs. Keyes character. Does the Keyes family have a handmaid? If Commander Keyes “wanted to have a baby” then why was he bringing other men to his wife? Aren’t the wives barren? I’ve only seen episode 1, so maybe this is explained later, but it was presented so matter-of-factly that it seemed like

Hmm, I appreciated the muddled-ness, and saw it as nuance. I appreciated that I could see both Tess’ and Beth’s point of view in this situation. I can understand Tess’ disappointment that her mother seems uncomfortable with her identity, and I can also understand Beth’s feeling that she is trying to do everything

Yes! I loved that book as a kid! Can’t you just make an accurate adaptation of that book, Disney?!