
Don’t underestimate the role of conventions in all of this. I’m also going to side step some details here because it involves a job I had that I still use for references, but the fan conventions for these shows typically pays small, guest stars somewhere in the $25k - $50k range per weekend. A regular is probably

I was never a big Firefly fan, but I don’t see how it’s a Confederate apology.

Good grief! As if there wasn’t enough material -- comic, tragic, and fascinating -- in the Gilbreth books.

I’m not sure Kevin even knew exactly why he was calling Randall. But he needed advice from someone he ultimately trusts. And Randall, in his growing selfishness, shut him down.

Randall ending the call with Kevin when Kevin was finally reaching out to attempt a kind of/sort of apology and reconciliation felt a little mean. At first I thought Randall was getting off to apologize to Beth for walking away from her earlier, but hanging up to make the call to the guy who knew his birth mother,

I agree that they are not handling the pandemic concerns well at all. So Randall tells Kevin that his kids are doing Zoom school, but Malik is doing a school internship following around a city councilman? That makes zero sense. Also, Kevin and a pregnant Madison interviewing the new nanny indoors with no masks was

I thought the present day characterization of Marc felt too stunted as well. I thought it would have been more interesting to have seen some growth, such as Kate tracking him down at home and meeting a wife/girlfriend that he treats decently, since this might have left Kate with some even more complicated feelings. The

I agree that the Kate/Marc story arc has been short to reach the cathartic moment that was displayed on screen. However, I do think there is more to the story and, just like Kate hasn’t told Toby the whole story, the viewers haven’t seen the whole story yet either. I think that Kate will deal with her past with Marc

I think Kate would have been better off with some therapy than traveling hours to confront her ex (and where was baby Jack during this trip?), but I agree that Marc was similar to how Jordan Catalano would have turned out.

This was a hugely meh episode. One of the aspects of the show I cherish is the relatively realistic outcomes. I could not buy Kate having the directional purpose or guts to find him, track him down during a cig break, and then have the empowering speech to chew him a new one. Randall’s questions answered as quick as

Raffi could not be reached for comment on the issue, as he is not answering his bananaphone.

I’m surprised Some Good News didn’t make the cut.  I know some folks are bitter about Krasinski selling it, but I don’t really get that - it smacks of that thing where people feel like content creators inherently owe them something.  He made a good, fun thing, and he managed to get a good payday out of it - both good

I don’t think there’s a single series I’ve watched fully represented here other than Bojack Horseman, so I can’t speak for whether or not these episodes deserve to be on the list, but I’m really shocked that neither Better Call Saul nor Lovecraft Country made an appearance.

Oh right! I nearly forgot about that Lovecraft episode. Pretty much perfect for me. 

I was thrown by that entry as well. It’s a TV movie. Those have been a thing for forever. I don’t recall TV movies being eligible in the past, but maybe I’m wrong.

I haven’t seen all the shows on this list, so I won’t say my choices are better than yours.

No love for The Good Place finale?  I know it seems like it aired in 2020 (because this year has been a long decade) but I thought the finale was lovely and a beautiful culmination of 4 seasons of excellent storytelling.

No “Whenever You’re Ready,” the Good Place finale? I call BS.

Nothing from I Will Destroy You?  It had some of the best TV episodes this year--plus it seems like the kind of show AV Club would be all over (however, I get the feeling barely anyone watched it on HBO, something that happened the previous year with another of my fave UK shows they aired, Years and Years).

This list is a bit suspect as there is not one Better Call Saul episode on it.