
My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.

Mando having to take off the helmet felt very contrived. I knew it was coming after their conversation in the vehicle, but it felt really dumb the way it played out. Like a face scan would be a security check to make sure you are authorized for access, not just require any face.

To be fair, “genuinely fails to connect with... the working class” is a bit of a simplification. Thatcher was in power for a decade, and her party for almost a decade more, precisely because she DID (rightfully or not) earn the support and loyalty of a very large part of the working class. [just as Labour almost

Thank you for using “Cazzie” instead of the “David” like Randall Colburn. When you are writing about the father-daughter relationship between Larry David and Cazzie David, it is incredibly confusing to reference one by “David”. They are both technically “David”.

Pete and Cazzie probably made out during Schindler’s List......

This is essentially your review of every episode of this show. Why are you still watching it? 

My expectations are merely that the show be good. 

Not every show need everything to be deeply connected from episode to episode. Not having greater ambitions isn’t a show problem. Your putting some sort of expectations on the show and that is not the shows fault.

“What if Bin-Gate, but EVERYONE’S ice cream got taken out of the freezer?” is certainly one way to boost viewer engagement this season

Basically, you’re bitter they didn’t bother with better butter banter.

I actually thought Young-ja was all over the place as a character. I don’t know if it was the actress or the writing or both, but at first, it felt to me like she was being passive-aggressively mean to Ji-ah. The way she looked at her with apparent superiority during the autopsy lesson, while she was the center of

This is really stupid. Sometimes people just...own books. I get the bit but god, Book Twitter’s almost as much of a chore to read as Film Twitter. This is the kind of shit that makes me hesitant to buy physical books anymore; it doesn’t stop me, mind, but it’s like, being judged for the books you own is apparently a

Also, the idea that one’s library has that much to say about you really tends to apply to those with a one-shelf library. True bibliophiles (or, you know, flat-out book-hoarders, which I won’t deny kind of being), will have stuff they’ve well outgrown, to-read sections that they’re ages from getting through, and full

If I go to someone’s apartment and they have a copy of “Fathers and Sons” on their bookshelf, I’m going to be slightly impressed. Not many Americans read Turgenev anymore who aren’t, like, Russian lit majors.

Worse than all these authors combined though, are people who put together lists like this.

I mean, when you really think about it, New York City is like a character of its own!

I'm actually enjoying the pace of the show, because it's unexpected. The way you describe is how one would assume it was going to go down. I'm glad we don't have a couple hours of filler with the characters stuck in the house and talking in circles about the predicament they're in. 

Samuel Braithwhite (Tony Goldwyn)—son of Titus, father of Christina

Whitey On The Moon

Hitler isn’t actually in the movie