Sadly this is true. FBI stats back it up. Most violent crime in my state (roughly 90%) is committed by African Americans who make up about 16% of the whole population. In my city, they make up about 50% and probably 95% of the violent crimes.
Sadly this is true. FBI stats back it up. Most violent crime in my state (roughly 90%) is committed by African Americans who make up about 16% of the whole population. In my city, they make up about 50% and probably 95% of the violent crimes.
If you take black violence out of our crime statistics, then we’re pretty much on par with Europe.
No. This is a direct result of racial grievance politics, Obama, and the left. The shooter told us as much. The media has told us lies about shootings being all about crazy white people and evil cops, but that is all demonstrable bullshit. We do not have a gun problem in this country, we have a black problem. If you…
Fuck you and your automatic assumption of guilt.
Not that it really detracts from your point, but that chart doesn’t actually reflect the figures stated in the sources it cites. E.g., the Justice Department, National Crime Victimization Survey: 2008-2012 says in 2010 49% of rapes were reported.
Kinks are for ugly people.
You are not going to get any love for this comment, even from people who secretly agree with you.
I think tattoos are great…for accurately judging people I’ve just met.
Wow that was terrible. Why do we praise females whenever they try to do things that men do but only half as well?
Interesting to have Jezebel criticize the colored community and black misogyny in particular. If one internet neckbeard refers to women as ‘females’, they’ll practically accuse him of rape. But there’s been little notice of how blacks (especially rappers) refer to women as ‘females’ ( and bitches n hoes) since…