
My point is that blacks can’t be trusted with guns. If there was a way to effectively ‘ban’ guns, I’d be in favor of it, but just for the blacks.

We prefer the term ‘race realist’. I don’t hate black people, I just recognize that there are real, recognizable differences between the races.

No. This is a direct result of racial grievance politics, Obama, and the left. The shooter told us as much. The media has told us lies about shootings being all about crazy white people and evil cops, but that is all demonstrable bullshit. We do not have a gun problem in this country, we have a black problem. If you

If the female goes to the media or civil court first, you can almost guarantee that it’s a false allegation, which are prevalent. The sensational claims (‘drugging’, ‘gang-raping’) also increase the odds of this being a typical female lie.

So he was mentally weak. If he was too physically weak to play NFL football, no one would care, but somehow this is deserving of attention? What about all the scrawny kids who never got to play football?

There is no such thing as ‘rape culture’. Unless you go to some Muslim, African, or other less-developed hellhole. This is all a feminist myth. Our culture roundly condemns rape and grants females special protection and privileges in the judicial system, as evidenced by facts. Slut culture does indeed lead to sexual

But are they making exactly as much as the men??!!

How dare you sexualize this female who chose to portray herself on all fours in the doggystyle position! Damn you, patriarchy!

The hate is so real. People are seriously ANGRY at these dumb sluts for being so young, blonde, and hot.

No one gave a shit about this guy until he ‘became’ a woman. Now he gets special female attention and privileges.

Why are we encouraging mental illness? Will there now be the first schizophrenic staffer? Is transgernderitis really a job qualification? What a world.

I can’t be the only one who pictures him as bald, fat and fugly. This will change a lot of people’s perceptions of him. Now he’s more of a dangerous outlaw bad boy.

If this were a man, he would have been beaten to death.

Further proof that you can be the biggest, chauvinist prick as long as you tell liberals exactly what they want to hear. Amirite?

Do females tip when they get their nails done? Maybe that would help. Females are generally pretty shitty tippers.

Kinks are for ugly people.

No. Hot girls are busy fucking assholes.

God. Shut up, feminists.

What did she do to deserve it?
