
Yup. I see 4, not particularly difficult to find, test targets. I was hoping for more of a challenge! ;)

My parasite imbalance light just came on the other day, and I was gonna wait a few thousand more miles... but now that you mention it, I should probably get that taken care of over lunch today.

Well if that isn't just about as hideous as it gets. Also... I love the *bowtie* Performance logo on the side of the engine... I just can't help but associate that logo with my dad's old pickup truck. "Performance" isn't what comes to mind.

I don't know if you've heard, but it's the 21st century, and even the slowpoke US Government has access to a little thing called broadband internet. Being able to access your Spotify playlists instead of being stuck listening to whatever the DJ's been paid to tell you to listen to is about freedom of choice... and

Yes they did.

Letting people listen to music at work *is* a business purpose. Improves productivity and morale.

My, my, aren't we being pedantic? What does any of that have to do with how far away from where they play the counties where the Raiders fanbase is the plurality is?

Right? I'll take it off your hands for $100. That is... you pay me to get rid of it for you.


Yeah, you pay the same price for service, but the phone is cheaper if you're on a contract vs. being on a pay-as-you go plan with an unlocked phone. The phone company doesn't give you a discount for being on a pay as you go plan cuz that's just more money for them. They either recoup their costs from you, or they make

character = carrier

It's not, because you don't own it. They take your money for a portion of the device, subsidize the rest out of their own pockets, and count on revenue from your use of their network plans to make up the difference. Your purchasing a $600 phone for $200 and then walking to another character leaves the carrier sitting

I mean, Apple doesn't really manufacture products either. They just design and market them. Amazon designs a few products (Kindle), markets a great deal more, and even still, in 15 years, is an order of magnitude behind what Apple did in the last three months of last year. And Amazon is not, by any stretch, a small or

Haha, because meta tag keywords are ever taken seriously by search engines anymore. I wonder how much they paid their "very qualified" "Professional SEO Consultant" to tell them to do that?

My favorite part is how some commenters don't realize how blithely they're destroying their credibility in the eyes of the very people whose behavior, for better or worse, they wish to change. The amount of wasted energy that some folks put into ragging on things like this is just staggering.

Your metaphor fails a little... because those "Shell stations" are basically ubiquitous (I can download from the app store basically wherever I happen to be, and they sell everything I want at a price I'm willing to pay), and, actually, there're plenty of ways for me to get parts and repair performed off-warranty on

Wait. Did you really go find the news footage so you could pull a clean screen grab?

Now playing

These guys clearly didn't watch the Top Gear Middle East challenge.

Careful, tiger. There's a difference between "would" and "could." Because, yes, it's almost like Boeing knowingly — intentionally! — sent their new baby, the shining star of their line-up, the thing that's supposed to anchor the company's commercial sales for the next decade or two, the airframe that went years and

I wasn't ever actually much of a fan, but back in its heyday, I always thought GM should've done a "Hummer: Want One?" campaign. Totally would've sent the American Family Assoc. over the edge. Would've been great.