
Agreed! I don't want Yahoo's shitty userbase on Tumblr. Can't there just be parts of the internet where things aren't ruined by rednecks and dumbasses?

In any event, Yahoo's never met a merger-time promise they didn't break. The extent to which I trust anyone in that company to tell me what they're going to do a year

Yeah, I don't buy a word of it. You aways hear this sort of stuff around merger time. They let it go for a year or so, and then they start looking for "means to realize cost synergies across our enterprise" and things start going to shit. Yahoo wants Tumblr's userbase to go use the rest of their worthless crap... and

Wikipedia claims 0.92 as the max certified. I'm happy to revise to 0.93 if that's what Cessna's claiming. Sure, you can *make* it go faster... you can put just about any aircraft in the right configuration and exceed the ratings... but pilots habitually taking an airframe out of its certification envelope (or really

It was too recorded by a bunch of different cameras... I've seen it from at least three angles, and that's without really trying. Your paranoid delusions about the media refusing to cover it because it was in conservative Texas are no more provable than people's paranoid delusions that the "racist media" didn't cover

The OpenType format supports this, sort of. It uses context to determine the letter-shapes. So if you've got an "Fi" combination, it does something different than if you've got an "Fu" combination, for example. But it's limited, and not totally random. Check the Wikipedia article for more details. Perhaps the next

Actually, that looks to me to be an Apple Cinema Display (note that there's no iMac base). So, in reality, it basically is just a big flat screen.

He may have been a civil rights attorney, but Fred also beat the hell out of his wife and kids. I'm not sure I'd say that he hasn't always been evil.

I stand corrected.

Shirley's job is to run the church — she's the figurehead. Professional troll, you might say. The old man doesn't have the strength to do much more than sit at his lectern and spittle all over himself, anymore. He's getting calmer as the dementia finally takes hold. Should be fun to see the protests at his funeral

Just as a point of order, the first-gen iPhone chassis was a piece of milled aluminum, so iPhones have never been "still" plastic. They went to plastic for a period, for whatever reason, and then came back to metal when the I.D. changed for the 4. During that time, HTC started selling milled phone bodies... but Apple

Tough to be butt hurt about a product that's two years too late.

Fair enough.

You can control for what you're talking about by calculating the statistics in fatalities per passenger mile instead of total fatalities, which is what they do, and why we can say, categorically, that flying is safer.

The change, if we were to follow your lead, would be that there would be more people flying who were

Even the production aesthetic of the video has Apple written all over it. Shallow depth of field interview footage, stylish designers with mild European accents very calmly talking about design and engineering and manufacturing and tight tolerances and seamlessness, intercut with footage from a test machine building a

In what universe is the person who gets rear-ended ever at fault for an accident? The guy on the motorcycle had an entire lane to pass them in ON A MOTORCYCLE, and should well have seen them there if he was paying attention. It's not like he was driving a big rig with no visibility and no maneuverability. He just flat


...fair enough.

Japan doesn't matter?

Max speed on a Citation X is Mach 0.92. That decimal point would seem to indicate you're wrong.

Seattle was just ranked America's Favorite City. So psh on you. :P

It makes the fast cuts between various landscapes look cleaner. Since the video is already choppy from the timelapse, the cuts aren't as glaring.