
Says you. As the proud owner of a penis with a foreskin, I say shut the hell up and keep away from my genitals unless I ask you to come near them is the standard, and you either have crossed it or you haven't.

*most important parts

I can't stand the rapid-fire editing during the most important on shows like this. I don't need to see sixteen simultaneous angles. Just hold your shot so I can see what happened, and then replay from different angles, if there's more to be seen. Yeah, yeah, they're trying to build "suspense" for the big reveal from

Still hideous.

Yeah, definitely improved interiors.

Yeah, renewables aren't cost competitive, they're just a fad... and that's why there's all sorts of private money getting poured into developing the technologies so that they scale. Cool story, bro.

The fact that you're so defensive about (and willing to cite the talking points of) the oil and gas industry speaks

Just cuz you have to kowtow to your forman's every whim at work doesn't mean those of us who've worked hard to obtain jobs where we're treated with a little agency should have to suffer.

You're trying to tell me that electric motor technology hasn't improved since the 1890s? Pishtosh. No one at the turn of the last century had electric motors of the size, weight, and output you'd find in a Model S. In any event, that oil was plentiful, cheap, and had poorly understood environmental implications in

That depends entirely on the polls you're reading... and doesn't matter anyway, because polls don't mean squat when it comes to the brass tacks of what's selling. I've worked in politics long enough to know that people will say one thing on the phone, and behave totally differently when it comes down to actually

We're fortunate that that antiquated line of thinking is not the prevailing wisdom in the market. Your ship, my friend, it has sailed. Sayonara.

Also, it's not like the oil and gas industry's never seen a "casing failure" before...

Central Alberta, eh? One wonders to what extent you and/or your loved ones might be employed by the industry you're championing. Awful lot of economic entanglement with the oil and gas industry in that part of the world, even if you're not a direct participant. You wanna argue for increased tar sands production, too?

Yeah, yeah, I know that's a fun thing to claim, regardless of the veracity of the sources you're using, and you get to sound legit cuz you used the word "anthropogenic." Good for you. It's fine. I'm not going to debate climate change with you, because it's not even what I'm talking about. To wit: the effects of

Woo! Cheap oil and gas forever and ever! Cuz the *cost* of gas is the only problem with fossil fuels. "Go do some research," indeed, bud.

I see how I misunderstood. I read "could" as "would" in his $50 sentence.

Yeah! See? JT's curls were always a part of the allure, for me. Even more when it's short and he's a grownup... but I remember, as a screaming teenage boy, thinking how fun it'd be to play with his curls. ... and play with his everything else. *blush*

No. I think you missed the point. I *am* that potential customer they're talking about. I don't have cable TV, but I do have high speed internet. I don't pay $50/month for it... mine's closer to $30, and that's for something two tiers better than the basic plan my provider offers in my area. It sounds like the $50

So, jack up my internet cost for a (probably) slower product, force me to use one of their partners, and then charge me for the privilege of accessing the content I'm already paying more and getting less for? No.

Hahahaha! Fracking's the solution. That's cute.

I just can't help but feeling anyone betting "we've arrived" when it comes to technology is making a losing bet. Just because *you* cannot imagine a use-case doesn't mean there isn't one. Some day we'll find it's beneficial to be able to, I don't know, model warp fields on our phones, or something, and it'll require a