
Hmm. OK. Thanks for chatting.

Well, "shutting down the conversation" is most effectively done by walking away from it, and I feel like most people know that. So, with that in mind, I think we often accuse people who bring up what's bugging them of acting to "shut down the conversation" when what they're really doing is refusing to play by the

Interesting. I guess I can understand why someone confronted with the term for the first time might be a little annoyed to discover someone who is not, themselves, cisgender, has invented a word for what cisgender describes, and is now insisting that cisgender people make themselves comfortable with the term. Maybe

Bitten bullet, though, AndiG: "Just because bigots want to infer some offense from an inoffensive term doesn't change the fact that the term is correct."

Hmm... mightn't we recognize someone's right to have or not have a particular label applied to them regardless of the degree to which such label carries oppressive overtones, and regardless of their reason for asking to be identified or not identified in a particular way? I seriously don't mean to rehash your silly

*cackle* nicely done.

Oldest piece of technology I use for work? Probably the Late 2012 MBP I bought a month ago. >.< This is the benefit of being a freelancer with virtually no overhead.

As someone who knows people who are on Microsoft's retail development effort in Redmond, I can tell you that the idea behind the Microsoft store is to do nothing more than attempt to copy, item for item, the way Apple's retail experience works. The tables are the same. The store concept is the same. The employees wear


I'm saying... your ability to predict how far off it is is as limited as your ability would've been fifteen years ago to say "bah, we're quite far off from discovering planets around other stars". It probably would've even felt like a safe bet. Rationalize all you want, you don't know how quickly such a milestone will

You say that, but we didn't even think we had the technology to discover other gas giants around other stars, let alone other Earth-sized planets, until about 10 years ago. The science on this is moving at... wait for it... light speed.

Actually, compulsively repeating yourself just to get the last word in on an argument you lost days ago is rude... but hey, go for it dude. Knock yourself out. Later.

Why the fuck are you still arguing about this with me? Days and days of you walking backwards and you're still here pissed off about a statement of fact I made days ago. Give it a rest.

I'm relatively certain that my cheeky little way of publicly appreciating the irony of responding to the assertion "you don't have an iPhone" by typing a response out on... wait for it... my iPhone, did not serve to prove your point. But, hey dude, you do your thing.

Fair enough. I guess my point was more to do with the judge's recognition that this was some total bullshit and recommending a course of action to remedy it. Generally, I appreciate it, as a matter of principle, when judges follow the letter of the law in criminal cases partly because that leaves little room for the

Yes, clearly, I did that by hand for effect.

Are you kidding? Of course he would.

Well that's one hell of a disgusting legal loophole. The judges are doing the right thing by following the law but recommending a new trial such as the net result is that the asshole still gets hit with rape charges... but I should hope the California legislature doesn't "fix" the law by making it "fraud". They should

It is entirely possible for the phone to land in such a way as to take advantage of the strength of the Gorilla Glass and survive a really punishing fall. It's also entirely possible that it nicked something and the next time she breathes on her phone funny it's going to shatter. I know lots of people who've done very

Oh? I've never owned an iPhone, have I? Why don't you tell me more about that...