
You're exactly right. This is why iPhone screens seem to only last til you drop your phone. Given how exposed bezel edge is relative to some of the plastickier phones coming from other companies, and given that the process Gorilla Glass uses to make it strong results in super strong surfaces, but a total achillies

I suspect you're not a Zipcar member. If you were, you'd understand why Zipcar is so much better in a lot of cases. Zipcar and traditional car rental serve very different purposes. Zipcar is for driving in town to run errands for people who don't own cars... not for a week on vacation. The reason it's been simplified

*yawn* how blasé.

1.) Not bitter, just an acerbic sense of humor. I assure you my response was written with the utmost cheer. 2.) You sound like you might have a tiny wiener. They make pills for that, these days. 3.) That was also written with the utmost cheer and humor. 4.) Happy trails, pardner.

Maybe... or maybe he's got small junk and feels the need to compensate for his shitty middle management job by buying himself a big ol' pickup truck and pretending he's a cowboy, y'know? Could go either way, is what I'm saying, and I fear in many situations that it does. Soccer moms hauling their kids around in SUVs

Trucks have all of this capability, you're right, and when they're used for those purposes they're a marvelous thing... but think about the last time you spent 20 minutes on the road. How many pickup trucks did you see not hauling anything, with one driver who was probably on their way home from an office job?

Actually, scientists have some pretty good ideas on how life "actually happened," and the evidence for those ideas (a standard creationists never, ever bother with) keeps appearing in bits and pieces to either confirm or, in some cases, modify the thinking. In any event, I'll throw in with those who admit what they

Not accidents. Billions of years of biochemistry that, when you take the time to understand it with an open mind, works out and makes sense, basically, from beginning to end.

Yeah. How do we know if we were affected by the leak?

Ahh yes, it wouldn't be a post about Facebook's advertising tactics if there wasn't some self-important jackass here to remind us all how Facebook is "free." Good thing you've tuned into comments around here long enough to know that line backwards and forwards (with the exception of your odd double-negative)... I'm

I should think Diesel might have a square nozzle of the same size as the gasoline filler's round nozzle. This way, they're mutually exclusive (or near enough that it'd require some force to get one into the other)... and then, yes, a really inexpensive adapter plate for the vehicles already on the road.

I'm not sure I'm picking up what you're putting down, there... but I'll say this. The issue you want to table? It's the most important thing in the whole discussion: The experts agree with regard to the science. Anyone claiming to be an expert who's arguing that same-sex attraction is inherently a choice isn't

It matters, in some sense, because it gets at the self-actualization of being able to tell your own lived experience apart from anyone trying to tell you you're wrong. I know I didn't decide to be gay. I just know I didn't. It's not even just that people are wrong when they tell me otherwise... it is that it is

Actually, in some sense, yes we did. Most of the loud screaming our community did after about 1990 was pretty ineffectual, and some of it even set us back. It wasn't until we learned how to talk about ourselves as fully realized people instead of framing ourselves as a marginalized minority that we started gaining

I'm not going to respond to all of that... you can see my comments elsewhere to see how I think about this. But I'll respond to this: "Are you sure it was unfair, or was it just that you didn't feel like taking a look at yourself at that moment?"

Sorry... we won marriage equality in three states, and defeated an anti-gay amendment in a fourth. I got to typing too quickly.

It did occur to me. I do this sort of thing professionally, albeit on issues other than race. In almost every case, that's a small minority of the people who disagree with you. And yeah, those people can go fuck themselves. But think about all the other run-of-the-mill people who are irritated with being lumped in

The people who don't take racism seriously can "go fuck themselves"? That seems counter-productive. How about: "People who don't take racism seriously should be considered an audience in need of persuasion."? These people you're so ready to dismiss are going to keep doing things you don't like until you figure out how

Really? People like me who'd prefer our dialogue on racism be one that gathers people together on the issue rather than trying to tell everyone they're hateful, ignorant, assholes for having been brought up in a culture that inculcates differences between people of different skin colors? I take racism seriously by not

It's not one random comment, and I'm not arguing that it's a valid reason. I'm saying it's a noisy cadre of many thousands of people who are thoughtless about the way they talk about the racism that is still very real in this country that engender a sense of distrust and irritation — regardless of its "validity,"