
I think you're wrong. Most people in the country are worn out because they're tired of being accused of "unexamined racism" by thoughtless individuals such as yourself who don't realize you're shooting yourself in the foot. It's super easy to throw down a bunch of buzzwords ("microagresions" indeed) and tell people

Indeed. I had the same thought. I wonder what it would take to ignite hardened asphalt. Someone call Adam and Jamie!

I did not claim that race was a good reason to fire someone... and you don't know me so kindly refrain from making assumptions about who I am. If she was fired because she's black, that'd be total bullshit... but I'm skeptical she was fired for being black, because, frankly, I doubt it if the people who hired her

I would (and have) encourage a man who was constantly on the receiving end of this sort of shit to self-reflect. It's entirely possible to have important, productive conversations about women's rights without needing to demagogue, attack, or otherwise irritate other people. I'd argue, in fact, it's *more* productive

Were you there? Good lord. She lost her job (and got it back) for what could've been any of a number of stupid, terrible, no good reasons. This sort of armchair analysis is exactly why people don't take racism seriously anymore.

And to come up with a novel comment for, apparently. ;P

and Jesus. Don't forget Jesus.

No, that's not what it's like saying... but here's your runner up's trophy.

Spelling and grammatical errors in sentences accusing people of being stupid are FUNNY.

"Son of a bitch" <— admirable restraint. I'd have had some choicer words...

Since I *am* an American, consider this an official invitation from all of us to skip seeing the film if and when it's released in your area. No, seriously... it's OK. Stay home. You don't even have to pretend you're interested by clicking on story links about it. Really. We'll forgive you.

Sorry... withOUT the pointy ears?

Yeah, it's not that the reactor spaces are too big... it's just that all the structural metal they have to cut through to get the reactors out of the ship makes it cost prohibitive to try to reassemble her in a way that'd be structurally stable once they've got them out. CNN reported that they'll for sure have to go

This election season ruined me. My first thought, I'm serious, reading the headline was: "Holy shit, this is his revenge on us for not electing him?" The semantic difference a single "t" makes.

Hey, Okulski, I'll "get over it" when you get yourself over the notion that you should get to dictate what the rest of us find fun about driving. I'm not interested in "building the enthusiast community" with a bunch of unskilled drivers... nor, honestly, do I particularly care about getting a faster lap time than

At least three other people have pointed out my mistake, smart guy. Pay attention.

Maybe they were using Siri to post the tweet and intended it to be "#Jameson was born..."? In any event, who names a girl "Jameson"? The very definition is "James's son".

"Could be powered by an object weighing 1,600 pounds" not "we need this much matter-energy conversion". In any event... coming up with the power system is just a little engineering. We're talking on very, very human scales, here, all the sudden. It's getting the physics right that's the hard part, and it sounds like

I don't care what the technical error was... why the hell do we need this information presented to us as virtual flash cards? In what way is that improving anyone's ability to grasp the situation? This isn't a failure of some software engineer... it's a failure of the news team and the editor who should've had a user

It's sort of hypnotic to listen to...