
Appears to be more of a balloon than a kite, no?

It's outdated when all the software being released for it no longer runs as intended. But, hey, if you're happy with your 3GS, far be it from me to tell you to upgrade. I just figure you should probably show everyone else who does upgrade the same courtesy.

Yeah... Buddhism has its fair share of nutty... they're just better about not making grand gestures of it like Christianity does, and in any case, this isn't Christianity, this is sociopathy.

It's Apple's doing that they and their developers are developing for their latest technology instead of worrying about the speed on your two year old phone, I suppose... but that's hardly something anyone could fault them for. I'm just saying... upgrading to the latest phone is hardly something that could be classed

A small point... the CIA is responsible to the President via the d/CIA and the Director of National Intelligence. It's not true to say that the CIA is responsible to no one.

Yeah, and now your phone makes pace roughly equivalent to a car on cinderblocks.

Uh, people who want to be able to update their apps?

There's a case to be made for telling rape jokes because people like Lindy West don't want us to.

Notably, you're totally wrong. Press releases announcing the termination of major executives almost always make it sound like a mutual parting of ways. This way the company avoids opening itself up to litigation. It's just poor form to call a termination a termination at this level.

No, my point is this: You'd like to make excuses for dragging the level of the discourse down with ad hominem while the guy you didn't like was president, and then excoriate people for dragging the level of the discourse down with ad hominem while the guy you do like is president, and you'd like to not be called a

There is, however, a long and degrading tradition in the US of making fun of people with mental and intellectual challenges and equating them to apes and using demeaning language. You cannot tell me people wouldn't have hashtagged "retard" and "dumbmonkey" after comments about Bush, en masse, if Twitter had been

Nah, it's totalled. Look at the way it flexes when it lands... there're sheered off frame members between the bogies. The insurance company will write it off, sell the whole thing as scrap, and buy the manganese company a new one. It may be cheaper to fix it, but the insurance company doesn't want to have to insure

Holy cow, Paddlepickle2.... way to be absolutely, unimpeachably correct.

Well... can you provide examples of use-cases where it *does* actually serve a function other than "it looks cool"?


You guys all saw how well the iPhone did, saleswise, on only one carrier when it launched... didn't you? Was anyone alive then? You get that they're not concerned about your early adopter nerdgasms, right? That they're more worried about engineering one handset really well than doing three and having them all be

These people don't seem to understand that you can't delete anything from the internet once it's on the internet. Silly rabbits, the internet is for keeps.

Yeah, Oswaks... don't toy with us, it's disrespectful to your audience and you lose credibility when you do that. There's a difference between being untruthful and being misleading, as I'm sure you're smart enough to know. On top of that, that you treat your readers like we're idiots when we call you on being

We're going to recognize that the condescending way that this article ascribes negative motives to behavior (e.g.: "...men do this partly out of arrogant presumptuousness") is as embarrassingly obnoxious and non-constructive as a man explaining sports to a woman as if she's never seen a football before, right? Or,