
Yes... the B-52 was engineered for a COMPLETELY different purpose than regular passenger revenue service. It's not at all a useful comparison to talk about military aircraft versus passenger aircraft... especially not when you're talking about military aircraft that don't have passenger stablemates.

and most Apple users really, really do care about OSX.

I love these big investigative pieces. I know they're a crap-load of work, but tell me a story more often, Giz! (...and, nicely done Mat!)

Yes. On some aircraft, there's an inflatable lifevest in a pouch attached under the seat in Y, or between the seats in F or C/J. It depends on the aircraft type and carrier... and when you don't fly the same carrier all the time (as I, unfortunately for my miles account, don't get to do) you're sometimes faced with a

Right. That's why you don't work for Apple. ;)

I can't speak for sal.petrarca, but I fly about twice a month and I try to have at least one ear on the safety demo. While you're scrambling to remember whether your floatation device is your seat cushion, or is a life-jacket in a pocket somewhere... I'll be swimming away from the burning fireball.

From where in the United States does it take two weeks to drive to LA?

He was being punished for getting cute with the flight attendant about what the rules are. The policy is the policy... if you don't like it, fly another airline.

Actually, flight attendants are, first and foremost, safety officers. All the training they receive tells them to prioritize policy and the safety and well-being of everyone on the plane over the individual whims of any one passenger. That the airlines also hand out sodas and snacks is secondary to their job.

I don't understand why it's so impossible for someone to sit quietly for a few hours, or why I should have to go drop upwards of $100 on noise canceling headphones because the guy in the row behind me wants to spend five hours talking to his broker about his stock options loud enough so everyone nearby knows how much

Interestingly, the haters on this thread are likely never to work for Apple. The reason that Apple makes the products (and the success) that it does, is because the people who work there *do* live for their work. They're motivated by being involved in awesome things. Steve Jobs talking about changing the world wasn't

You called me ignorant when I've demonstrated I'm actually fairly well-versed in what's going on. Name-calling: you started it. The only reason I can figure that you're so upset by it is that you're threatened by facing down the notion that what you're doing is stealing. I can demonstrate that it's stealing. Watch:

I get their point... but this is a new *better* building... so in some sense, I kind of think of it as an even bigger fuck-you. Like: "Not only will you not destroy us, but we'll rebuild stronger and smarter than we were before."

Given that it's not a real missile, I think worrying about the paint color becomes more an exercise in whether or not it matches the truck its mounted to in a way to make the whole apparatus look fierce than in pragmatism.

I'm not going to argue with you, thief.

No, but in the absence of evidence to support that idea, the point is moot. I mean, it doesn't rule out that everything will suddenly just freeze, either, but we don't really entertain that because there's nothing to say that that's gonna be the case.

I'm genuinely disinterested in starting a flamewar with you, but I don't want to let "...just because I'm doing something that can be construed as IP violation, doesn't mean it's nefarious or I'm "stealing" from the producer." stand.

That something has not yet been observed or tested does not, in itself, make it unobservable or untestable. That's an unfair leap. It's also unfair to say that atheists (and, actually, what you really mean is "scientists" in this context... many of whom are not atheist, though, given the relative degree to which they

Shouldn't the expansion of the universe be slowing down then? All the evidence we have says it's accelerating (dark energy).

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